What is it with people named Fox and misunderstandings????(MABS Run Off)

a friend of mine got his 2nd degree BB in one of Lavallee’s schools in upstate NY.

The training was tough and he had to attend power weekends that were intense .

It is a legitimate school with legitimate instructors.

And Oss to Kyoshi Oliver , We never met , but your reputation is well known.

much respect.


If you mis-spell OSU again, Funakoshi & Oyama are going to rise from the dead & Zombie-geri your ass straight back to Okinawa.

It’s bad enough you have to use it in every post, but you don’t even spell it right.

Now, what proof do you have that Mr. Oliver’s claims are legit?

What is with people named Fox and misunderstandings???(MABS Run Off)

You guys call yourselves Martial Artists , alot of talk alot of shit , Because I know legitimate intructors who hold high Dans in Kenpo and Shorin Ryu and other arts who vouch for them.
You haters are sickening . What or who made any of you experts . Ive never of heard of most of you , how many students do you have , what is your lineage , besides a black belt in mouthery .

So much for humily , guess the first lesson you were supposed to be taught , you were absent that day.

And what proof do you have they are not

None! Damn, what a clever argument you bring.

Come to think of it, we also don’t have proof that Walt Disney wasn’t a legitimate martial arts instructor, so (if this is to be admissible as “proof”) we are forced to conclude that he was.

well my friend got his 2nd dan from one of Lavallee’s Dojos , he thought it was legitimate ,

look mr BJJ , go check out him out your self , then you could go report back :bootyshak

I’m not offering an opinion on LaVallee, because I lack sufficient information to form an educated one.

I am offering an opinion on your methods of argumentation, which are abysmal and contrary to basic logic.

See also: Inverse error, Argument from Authority

I will offer an opinion of Mr Lavallee’s Techno Music Video (TMV) though.

I think it is craptacular!

That is my opinion as a fan of Techno Music Videos (TMV), though I dont have a black belt in the making of TMV, I can tell crap when I see it.

You dont need a Black Belt to know bullshit.

Hiding behind a culture of “respect” and unquestioned loyalty because a person is in a position of authority within an organization is immature and stupid.

Mr Oliver doesnt seem to understand why people, myself included, have formed the opinion that his business practices are diss-honourable. That is my personal and firmly held opinion of the way he runs his business.

well , Einsteen , if your not offering an opinion , what in tarnation are you posting fer ,

What is your purpose then , to ridicule me , ridicule away , I care less , But to be honest , you are the one who looks like a stooge , your posting just to post .

So if you have no opinion what the fuck :bootyshak

look I never met , either Mr. Lavallee or Mr. Oliver but I know serious martial artists who have and vouch for them . So thats good enough for me,

so as far as im concerned all you haters should go check it out for yourselves before you talk trash about people you dont know .

well , Einsteen , if your not offering an opinion , what in tarnation are you posting fer[/quote] Work on your reading comprehension.

The point of the post – and I honestly thought this was obvious; I’m sorry I didn’t simplify it further for your consumption – was that your argument in favour of LaVallee’s legitimacy was utterly vacuous, and that in the absence of evidence, we cannot simply grant him respect by default any more than we can do so for Walt Disney.

If you wish people here to grant your hero some respect, you will need to provide solid reasons therefore – and as long as your arguments can be labelled as textbook fallacies, solid they are not.

I never met Mr. Disney, but I know serious martial artists who have and who vouch for him.

Is that good enough for you?

Wow, such rage. I think the issue here is people with rank in OTHER martial arts trying to validate this instructors skillset in a DIFFERENT martial art, especially one that is combat based. Nothing against those instructors, but the term “martial artist” means different things to different people. Most here on this board feel it means you have some sort of “combat” ability with relation to the martial art you train. Others feel that as long as you have a large school that makes a lot of money, that makes you a “martial artist”.

ok on the other hand Ive never met or saw Gogen Yamaguchi or Gichin Funakoshi either but I know they are legitimate. You on the other hand can’t say Lavallee is not legitimate , I on the other hand know a student who went from white belt to 2nd dan in his system . i on the other hand know two 6th Dans who vouch for Mr. Oliver.

If you want to settle this go to one of their dojo check it out for yourself , and then you decide .
as far as im concerned Im done with this thread. :deadhorse

Oh Im not mad , I can care less. it makes no never mind .

FoxGuiatar just because he is high rank in kempo dos not mean he has a 1st Dan in BJJ. I could not find Steve Lavalle on bjj.org (ON the mat)


I think you dont understand the thread. We are examining Mr Lavallee’s claim of ability at Jiu-Jitsu.

He could be the most gifted Karateka the world has ever seen, but if he did the Gracie Combatives belt system and is claiming to be a BJJ 1st dan, then it should be looked at critically.

Fox, I do not think this website is for you. I recommend MAP or MartialTalk.

Ok i agree with you then , and I humbly apologize , I dont know his status in BJJ , i was strictly talking about Karate.

Again I humbly apologize for any misunderstandings .:glasses6: and all should know even though we may cyber kumite , I still respect all on board.

why , because I bring my own opinions to the forum and I dont skip to my loo with all of you “masters” isnt a forum a place to discuss and even argue respectfully different viewpoints. or are you the Martial arts nazis :gwbdance:

No, because this forum discusses bullshit in the martial arts, and requires critical thinking & logic. Your responses in this thread were based on emotion & were highly illogical. If you cannot handle MABS, you should not be posting here.

Not to worry though, many others in this thread who were critical of Mr. Lavelle shouldn’t be here either.