What is it with people named Fox and misunderstandings????(MABS Run Off)

No one has heard of you yet, here you sit, lecturing people about humility and expertise. See how that works?

So much for humily , guess the first lesson you were supposed to be taught , you were absent that day.

And what proof do you have they are not
Humility should start with the person misrepresenting their credentials. You do not have to be an expert to notice something isn’t right.

Please stay out of MABS until, you understand this area. You have been in three forums and take everything personal, for someone supposedly not caring.

Humility doesn’t trump lies.

Oh, and for someone who says you respect everyone here, it’s very hypocritical to turn around & mock us, as well as Godwinning the argument by comparing us to Nazis.

ok point taken

let me see , my first attempt at posting besides the auto bot thing , I was greeted with being cursed at and other niceties

now here Im being attacked again , and you know what I really dont take it personal.

And all of you who are criticizing the people you criticize , if you had really want to challenge their creditentials , step up , Email them or call them and ask them their credentials , they are easy enough to check.

it sure seems to me if you dont march in lock step with the So call Budo mafia , your put on the shit list

That is what is often done on these forums when someone brings a dojo or instructor up read some of the investigations. In this case A poster said that Steve Lavalle was a BJJ Black belt and the only proof was a BJJ combatives video clip. The other posters were critiquing the posted evidence.

Why do you think this was not done?

The norm on this board is to email the people discussed in the thread and ask for their participation.

Edited to add, I’ve just sent him another link to this 3 year old thread, which I am sure he already knows about.

Now when you are done crying, here:

You guys call yourselves Martial Artists , alot of talk alot of shit , Because I know legitimate intructors who hold high Dans in Kenpo and Shorin Ryu and other arts who vouch for them.
You haters are sickening . What or who made any of you experts . Ive never of heard of most of you , how many students do you have , what is your lineage , besides a black belt in mouthery .

Yes, very humble(sarcasm), this is called bragging. This is you, insulting the entire community. This was done before, a single insult was hurled in your direction.

Once again, this is your third sub forum thread that, has gone in this direction. It is the internet, let it go and really stop caring.

10-4 point well taken

Cleaned up from the Lavallee thread.

Isnt ironic that FAKE is in your screen name , So you have taken up ridiculing me , well good for you , Im very proud of you . Meanwhile what is your claim to fame oh Cyber grandmaster .
let me hear of your many martial arts accomplishments ,
Your an arrogant snotty bastard , And i dont care good or bad your technique is , you havent learnt the first lesson.

So maybe you need to go back to white belt class and learn what a real martial artist is , because Im not so sure you are one.

Oh great FAKE Kyoshi:qright2:

um…IIF isn’t, nor has he ever claimed to be a kyoshi.

Humility IS NOT the first lesson in martial arts.

You ridiculed those who corrected you in this thread far worse than anything any of them said to you. You need to go to a white belt class.

I am in whitebelt class . and no I dont think I ridiculed anybody , :bsflag:

I have responded to unnecessary personal attacks , I have never launched the first barb.

Remember the first move in each poomse or Hyung or Kata is defensive .

Wrong. The first move of kata is only defensive because you have never learned the actual bunkai for the kata.

Also, if you’re humility is still false since you responded to insults by sinking even lower than we did. Your character is a facade, since rather than responding with humility, you acted just like the rest of us.

You are no moral exemplar & should not be preaching.

I never said I wasnt a Dick , Ok can we move on from here , ill try and not post in the wrong thread.Ok deal , truce.

No truce.

You don’t get to call truce. Continue acting like an asshat & that’s what you will be treated like.

This is snotty, it is YOU’RE not YOUR.

^^The above arrogance.

More arrogance. If you knew anything, about the forum you were posting in, you would know that is one of the first steps you take.

Yes, of course you don’t. Most arrogant people don’t ever think they are wrong. They also tend to forget what they type. See below:

You guys call yourselves Martial Artists , alot of talk alot of shit , Because I know legitimate intructors who hold high Dans in Kenpo and Shorin Ryu and other arts who vouch for them.
You haters are sickening . What or who made any of you experts . Ive never of heard of most of you , how many students do you have , what is your lineage , besides a black belt in mouthery .
You haters are sickening . What or who made any of you experts . Ive never of heard of most of you , how many students do you have , what is your lineage , besides a black belt in mouthery .

The worst thing said to you was learn how to spell OSU.

I never said I wasnt a Dick , Ok can we move on from here , ill try and not post in the wrong thread.Ok deal , truce.
Can you?


Oh Im not mad , I can care less. it makes no never mind .

Apparently, it does.

Oh, scan your certificate. I’m not advertising some high rank. You do that repeatedly in damn near every thread.

Ok cool , well written.


I again questioned my bud about Steve Lavallee’s Dojo and he was vehement the guy is straight forward one hundred percent legit .

Im not commenting on the BJJ stuff .

My friend is an intelligent dude who got his 2nd dan in one of the Lavellee’s upstate NY dojos.

he said the classes were tough and the sparring was intense and he himself saw Lavallee perform numerous seminars and demonstrations

So Ill take his word and Mr. Oliver 's word over some cyber ninjas that Lavallee runs legit dojos.

An unnamed third-hand source makes an adamant claim with no evidence, nor even a rationale.

My friend is an intelligent dude who got his 2nd dan in one of the Lavellee’s upstate NY dojos.
In addition, if the stuff is bullshit, he’s one of the Kool-Aid drinkers. (I’m not saying that it is bullshit; it may very well be great stuff and this buddy of yours may have excellent judgement except in friends – but since his legitimacy hinges on the school’s legitimacy, he is useless as an authority in establishing it.)

he said the classes were tough and the sparring was intense
This is good. Intense sparring is good. Intense sparring with outside people is better, of course; what of this? If you want to defend the guy from his imaginary detractors, or make the readership here think that his would be good schools to check out, information is key.

and he himself saw Lavallee perform numerous seminars and demonstrations
This is completely meaningless. Demonstrations prove nothing; the most amazing feats can be staged (and often are, e.g. on stages). Some of the best martial arts instructors in the world give seminars, but so does George Dillman.

So Ill take his word and Mr. Oliver 's word over some cyber ninjas that Lavallee runs legit dojos.
I’m amazed and amused at how quick the various thin-skinned nitwits of the internet are to leap at every opportunity to express outrage. A thread asking whether someone is legit or not, critically discussing various possibilities regarding his rank in BJJ, is hardly a vicious character assault. The original post, you may notice (now that I pointed it out – you apparently failed to ere now), engages in such vicious libel as

In conclusion, the only person anyone (but yourself) has insulted is this thread is you, and even then only after you generously provided us with copious evidence that you are an idiot with rudimentary reading comprehension and not even the feeblest grasp of logic.

well mr.Cyber ninja keyboard blackbelt , go to one of his schools and check it out ,

since you seem to know more about it then someone who hard earned a black belt knows .

Go there yourself you master of cyber kumite .

Then you can speak , till then , what to you know.

How would you like some ass bad mouths your school and never even saw it in person.

And a up yours for being insulting prick:qleft3: