Video: Zip Ties Guy Unmasked - Brought Mom to Riot

Number 4. They tried to fight the militia.

You are giving those airsofters way too much credit.

Unless you can provide a link to an authoritative source that talks about a group calling themselves “The Militia” you are dancing in fantasy land.

These guys organized through “The Donald dot Com”. Oh and more than a few came armed.

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A lot are veterans, so airsofters is a weird accusation to make.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

“THE MILITIA” as you have been insisting has grammatical implications of a unified cohesive group. These numpties weren’t a cohesive group. They weren’t even well organized as the flame war that ensued after on The Donald showed.
I call them airsofters because most of them were wearing knock off airsoft gear. Clearly no training and no cohesive plan other than to fuck shit up. The CHAZ guys, they were more of a well regulated militia. They had a plan, they had a command structure. The rioters/insurrectionists at the capital had none of that. So simply you are mislabeling them.

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Huh? All the gear was real. Lol. Anyways, you didnt see the counterattack unfold. It was pretty genius actually. I dont know what people did inside the capitol, but the group was pretty organized. The counter attack unfolded in stages with stealth fighters leading the way. It was wild.

Stealth fighters​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. I see hyperbole is one of the services that you offer. You shout to any emotionally excited mob “go there” and there will always be people who figure out alternate routes.

FFS mice and rats will do that in a maze. These people have demonstrated no more ability than starving rats trying to get to food. Yet you are making them sound like they are advanced character classes from an MMO.

There were like two dudes that snuck in first and then let everyone else in.

The definition I gave you is the closest to how the word is used in the constitution. Hot Shot

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Rofl. It was a bigass militia in full armor. Lol. You just dont LIKE them, which is a different matter.

I don’t often agree with Lant3rn but when he is right he is right. This wasn’t a militia by any definition of the term, it definitely wasn’t “The Militia”. Some of these people may have belonged to various paramilitary groups that style themselves as militias.

They weren’t regulated, let alone well regulated. They definitely were not protecting the security of a free State.

“The Militia” has been the same since 1636 and is defined today by The Militia Act of 1903. These clowns were not part of “The Militia”. “The Militia” was stood down by 45, and Pence had to do an end run around him to get them called up and armed. Now the “Stop the Steal” clowns are calling Pence a traitor and calling for him to be tried for treason. SMFH.

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Your problem is “the mob”.

My problem is the link analysis of that mob.

Lucky doesn’t assault the United States Capitol. Never has, never will.

What Michael fails to grasp is that the event involved a large variety of United States veterans, really angry, but confused.

Especially the USAF veteran blown away. She was borderline psycho, and then some poor cop decided to cap her ass.

To the Waffle House!

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Correct. I don’t like the mob, any mob. You’re letting your political leanings paint an image of a planned and coherent assault on the Capitol, whereas looking at It objectively it’s another mob that organised itself over social media and got lucky that they weren’t deemed a threat equal to the mobs that rioted last summer. The videos and pictures of the actors themselves illustrate this pretty clearly.

It’s not that the far-right shouldn’t be taken seriously In the states, it should, but these clowns shouldn’t be given more credit (even obliquely) than they deserve.

If the same security deployed matched that which faced the BLM mob then it would have been a different story.

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Even the police say its the militia. Lol

‘A’ cop said it was the militia. The definition of what a militia is, is posted further up on the page.

Yeah. Its a damn militia. Lol. Its not that difficult to understand.

Perhaps we can agree to call them Para Military groups

‘Militia’ gives them an air of constitutional legitimacy that they do not deserve

National Guard occupy the role of Militia represented in the Constitution

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