[VIDEO] Joe Rogan's antivax endocarditis argument debunked in real time on his show

Practically every testimonial online is along the lines of 'it used to be cool but the trolls and self righteous douches took over". Reddit, other forums, YouTube, but most of all the FN group…

There are literally no “ILOVE BS” posts anywhere. Even the FB group posters are always “yeah the forum part really sucks”.

Ain’t arguing with reviews, they know better than me.

The FB forums manage to press complete BS while banning everyone that speaks truth. So yeah… And they mostly aren’t OG

Where did I defend Joe Rogan?
I do not watch nor listen to his podcast, including the podcast episode that you are discussing.

I clarify misinformation claims regarding HCQ and Ivermectin, which are two very widely prescribed drugs for human use, that were erroneously labeled as unsafe for humans as part of a moron driven misinformation campaign.

The medical community’s position on these drugs safety profile for human use is in complete alignment with mine, and vice versa.
I disagree with the Federal government or insurance companies or Pharmacies interfering with Physicians’ prescribing of these drugs for political reasons, or hysterical public opinion reasons, but that is another matter.

I actually came here because I hate that group. I went there expecting some decent BJJ chat.

I got walls and walls and walls of Dunning Kruger punks.

The Bullshido Facebook Group is a honeypot whose purpose is to attract rubes.
Or didn’t you know that…?

You can start a BJJ thread. I like BJJ technique.

I just started. It’s hard to find any good ma forums with good people. They’re full of fat fucking Kung Fu snobs and even fattier ninjas.

Sherdog f12, which I also post on, has good, dedicated grappling discussion sometimes.

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Osiris has a black belt in BJJ, as do I.
Chat away, about BJJ, if you like.

The thing about DK, is that the people who are the sucker at the poker table, often don’t realize it.
That seems to be the case with you.
Although, the tantrum you are throwing, is priceless for those that enjoy that kind of thing.
I personally don’t, I do not seek to humiliate you for the sake of humiliating you,
however exposing your stupidity to other readers is a public service,
much like exposing the Wizard of Oz, as full of hot air, and no real substance.

Try Beltchecker.com, silly.
There are a few thousand BJJ black belts on those forums, from all over the world, and many of them actively post.
And on Beltchecker we are all civil to each other, all the time, even when we disagree.
Phrost, who owns Bullshido, has stated many times that he has no interest in Bullshido being a martial arts forum, any longer.

Joe Rogan is a stand up comedian and commentator that has a podcast where he interviews people he is interested in.

His opinion on politics and medicine is worth no more than my own or anyone else on the planet equally unqualified.

His commentary is ok , his stand up isnt really my cup of tea and I listen to his podcasts only when he has somebody on I am interested in hearing from which is maybe 1/10-15ish.

I called you a pussy for blocking somebody who says things you dont like.

If you are that fragile you are in the wrong place.

Perhaps you should go back to the places online where Bullshido has a bad rep so you can all sing the same songs and be pussies together.


Yeah sorry but Joe Rogan has a hell of a lot more influence than you ever will. He’s an even bigger pussy, too.

Do you even watch UFC?

If responsibility comes with power, he’s the worst example ever. He’s killing people. Always the tatted up motherfuckers like him and Jenna Jameson.

It is seems probable that both Joe Rogan and PDA could probably whip your ass?

Does that have something to do with the conversation?

Who has he killed?

You think people with tattoos are prone to killing people?

You are getting weirder…

The fact I know some people who worship this guy as ‘the truth guy’ in their lives…

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Are you really that dude

Quit threatening folk on behalf of other users

“threatening” ?

Dude :rofl:

If you think that was a threat you must cry a hell of allot.

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Those people would only be worshiping some other internet idiot if Rogan wasnt there.

May as well be him, he at least does have some decent content.

It’s a typical FB weenie move.

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Well start a thread about BJJ then, you will find some knowledgeable people here.


Absolutely would be cool to do that. Osiris is one of the knowledgeable people here.