[Video] Alex Jones shitty fucking lawyer sent the Sandy Hook lawyers the entire contents of his cell phone by mistake

It’s filled with criminals. And yeah, they’re out to “get” people. But ostensibly to save lives. Like, let’s say you’re a massive threat to public safety and may be plotting to kill various politicians and federal agents, but they can’t QUITE get you. They might, for public safety, just show up at your friend’s house and tell her to kill herself.


The Elites want you to distrust the FBI

Like what? Examples with corroboration please.

As a pawn of the Deep State , how many people did you personally get?

Would you say the FBI was politically motivated when they investigated Hillary?

Yes, they protected her from prosecution.

Dude, he’s right. I’ve watched them come for people and it gets bad. Your friends and family aren’t off limits either and they usually start there if you prove troublesome.

That’s surely a matter of perspective

If they think you’ve done a crime they come for you, no holds barred (within the law)

The courts decide your guilt

Every person in jail will claim innocence due to mitigating circumstances

But that’s all LE

Are all police "Secret Police?

Within the law my ass. They literally employ and/or otherwise incentivize criminals to handle their dirty work. When you fight the feds, you usually end up fighting an army of civilians using criminal, local, state and federal shooters. Especially post pandemic.

Do you have a clearance? Are you read on to the right SAPs?

That’s not how it works tbqh. Yes, there are pipehitters and there are credentialed Federal LE, but the whole game is more distributed than that. No one feels like they are out to get people. Work I did directly led to the deaths of people, no I did not shoot them in the back of the head with a pistol.

Yes, in two different directions though. There are different cliques in the IC, political (dem and repub), ideological (lib, con, prog, rw), and identitarian (Catholic, Mormon, White, Black etc.). The NY FBI office was one of those cliques and was out to get Clinton; Comey was trying to get out in front of it.

No. I gave you a definition.

The qualification you gave suggests that the involvement in investigating politicians or “political rivals” is the relevant difference between Secret and non secret police


Political enemies, yes. Not all police have to be secret police nor are all police secret police.

So once someone becomes a political enemy of the ruling party, at what point does investigation of potential misdeeds cross over into Secret Police territory?

More mildly when enforcement is deliberately aimed at political enemies e.g. the IRS, or in the case of COINTELPRO and similar operations (e.g. the FBI created operation to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer) much less mildly.

If you like the idea of secret police investigating your political enemies that’s ok. You don’t have to make an excuse about “potential misdeeds” so you can maintain your liberal ideals while persecuting your enemy. Even the uber Rationalist Liberal Sam Harris admitted he’s okay with breaking liberalism to stop his enemies so you won’t be the first.

Are you saying Trump, or any other opposition politicians should have immunity from investigation?


If the US federal “Secret Police” were a real thing, there wouldn’t be search warrants or subpoenas

Trump would dissappear, or have a “heart attack” on the golf course, or “commit suicide” or eat a big mac with a Polonium relish

You know, like real secret police

You are mixing cynicism and naivety in such a charming way

It’s heart warming

Oh, they’re real and occasionally someone does get wacked. My boy got wacked a few weeks ago in the desert.

Are you saying selective enforcement isn’t political?

Are you literally braindead?
Church Committee
Warrantless Wiretapping

If the FSB were “REAL SECRET POLICE” Alexei Navalny would drink some polonium tea instead of going to prison.

Now this is ironic. And the smugness is unwarranted, you’re a fucking ignorant moron who knows nothing about US history if you don’t think the FBI are secret police.

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Don’t forget JTTF.

I’m saying there is no selective enforcement. That’s just conspiracy theory

Do go on

He was lucky to survive the nerve agent poisoning, that’s true. Perhaps they are just incompetent?

Smugness implies I’m right

Do you mean patronising?

It looks like someone is insecure about their intellect

By the FBI?

Good luck proving that?

There always has been.

Throughout the FBI’s history.

And, as previously mentioned, the head of the IRS under Obama admitted to selective targeting of conservative groups and conservative individuals for tax audit selection.

And, we also have situations like Whitey Bulger, regarding the FBI.


And you are empirically incorrect.

I know I’m not a genius. And now I know you are not breaking 100 IQ.