You said you would fight IIF,
now you’re weaseling about not knowing where to find him.
I will pick your ass up at the airport, no problem finding anyone.
Quit crawfishing, Pussy!
You said you would fight IIF,
now you’re weaseling about not knowing where to find him.
I will pick your ass up at the airport, no problem finding anyone.
Quit crawfishing, Pussy!
He seems to have suddenly run out of things to say.
Please Trollshido this steaming pile of a thread.
That is a totally seperate issue. You are trying to steer this thread off topic. Therefore this is the last comment I’m making about It Is Fag. I would happily fight him if I had a chance and it was conveniant but I don’t want to fight so much that I’d actually buy a plane ticket to America to do so.
If I ever got to the point where I actually pay for a flight to America to fight someone off the internet I would be even sadder than you. If you want to carry on this It Is Fag debate then make another thread.
Lying Pussy.
Get on a fucking plane pussy, I’ll pick you up at the airport.
You made a challenge.
Until you make good on it you have no credibility.
lol @ “you have no credibility”. Oh please, now that would be too much … not having credibilty with the saddest bunch of weirdo geeks on the net. Fucking hell how am I supposed to live with that?
Prove I’m a liar.
Show up.
Prove I’m a liar.
Circuitous argument.
Your posts in the other threads prove you will write anything for effect.
You trashed your own credibility, now you are showing yourself as the pussy you are.
Prove I’m a liar …
Yay, Back in Trollshido,
Where you belong.
Hey Lumberjacknutsackcrackrockattack, STFU already, this is supposed to be serious discussion only. You’ll find Trollshido has all you’re looking for. In case you’re too thick to find it. Click on Martial Arts Forums up top, then scroll down to Trollshido, or YMAS, there you can be as big a douche as you want…oh…well nevermind, this’ll likely get culled anyway…you’ll see trollshido soon enough…hopefully only your posts.
As to the original thread (without Lumberingoldnutsack’s imput) They seem to be deluded over there, as to who comprises the membership of Bullshido. They seem to think being tough is the same as being able to teach it, to the not so tough, or feeble. It’s the common perception that everyone’s 18-21…how stupid would they have to be, or just plain ignorent, to not see the variety of people who post? The only thing lamer would be for them to not come to a throwdown.
I’ve probably spent more hours in and on the str33t than most people ever will, and the way they talk about it, gives me the impression that a lot of the posters over there are ex-something, and live paranoid lives where the str33t presents a threat a moment. That’s utter bullshit, and not healthy.
Incidentally, many of them were asking about the throwdowns, what’s stopped them from coming already? (other than resisting opponents) It’s not like we don’t have them all over.
ah, well here we are in Trollshido…you earned it.
Uhmmm you “ASSUME” they are middle aged.
Ex-sas was already proven a lie…liar.
so not ex-sas, is there a tag for that?
Was it? When?
Wow, you are old.
Alzheimers, much? :XXphyhsas
When are you flying out to the states?