Top Martial Artists slate Bullshido

Just been reading this. I notice a lot of extremely well respected Martial Artists, such as Dave Turton, saying the people on here are Armchair Warriors. I didn’t read the original Bullshido rant about RBSD as it went on and on and bored me to tears after the first paragraph … but I’m sure it basically said “RBSD is shit”.

Anyway here is the link:

I know that a forum rife with the paranoia inherent in RBSD is the first place I would go for an objective assessment.

Say ‘Hi’ to Phil Elmore next time you’re there. :new_321:

Well I guess that may be true. But it’s no worse than “ZOMFG Throwdowns are teh shiz dude”.

I guess the difference between Bullshido and SD.Com is that them guys are middle aged nerds who think doing MA makes them special, wheras you guys are adolescant nerds who think that doing BJJ is pissing the TMA world off with you’re “fuck you, you can’t control meeee” attitude of an angry young teenage yank who got bullied at school.

… Why is this in MABS??

Lunberjack seems to be asking for a beating…

YMAS Plz Kthxbai

Well due to the totally fucking retarded layout of this place I haven’t a fucking clue what goes where. How the fuck anyone can navigate through this nonsense is beyond me. “You’re Martial Art Sucks”??? FFS, what the fuck should go in there?

Don’t moan about things being posted in the wrong sections because it’s your own faults for having too many daft sections with totally abstract “in joke” titles that only other Bullshido geeks “get”.

Or we just think fighting skill should be objectively measured through pressure testing, not fantasy roleplay.

I dont suppose you read the stickies??
Or the small writing beneath the titles of the sections??

I think the highlighted section pretty much sums up all of his posts,

Past, Present, and Future.

Trollshido Plz!

along with all of his other posts.

Sounds a lot like the same BS posturing that always comes up after a scathing critisim, valid or not. I have no idea what Dave Turton is about but I do know from first hand experience that respect and competance don’t necissarily come hand in hand.

My first question would be: If this stuff is so effective, why is everyone calling Bullshit on it?Generaly the stuff that works speaks for itself.

This post caught my eye:

’ Quite.I remember how they were rubbishing Systema a couple of years ago so a few Systema guys arranged to meet them at one of their “throw downs”.
It didn’t go the way the Bullshido warriors had planned and one ended up with a broken nose,another with a dislocated ankle,and other injuries.None of the Systema guys tapped out,got KO’d or suffered any injuries.They quietened down a bit after that debacle.They also got their arses kicked by some tai chi guys at the same throw down and couldn’t believe how aggressive they were.What did they expect them to do?Waft their arms around like fairies?’

I read through some of the systema threads in the past but don’t seem to recall this being mentioned. Perhaps a more senior person could comment.

Indeed. But if someone is going to stab you it doesn’t matter wether you do RBSD or MMA, you’re fucked either way. Look at lee Murray.

What, so youy’re denying that this ever happened?

So, have you bought your plane ticket yet?

IIF is still waiting for you to make good on your challenge!

Video, or it didn’t

< crickets > :5sigh:

I’m just asking if it did happen and if anyone can prove it. I would have no way of knowing either way because obviously I wasn’t there.

We know mate, Lumberjack is being an ass…
If theres nothing in the vidoe archives here or there then i doubt it did- surely they’d have kept video at least?

I bet it did happen and these cockjockeys are just keeping quiet about it.

I would happily fight It Is Fag but he wont post any of his personal details, the fucking pussy. I thought it was a Bullshido requirement to post pictures, videos, certificates, addresses and penis sizes as “proof”.

I guess It Is Fag will never truly be respected until he states who he is.

If they had proof they would show it. Liar.

I would happily fight It Is Fag but he wont post any of his personal details, the fucking pussy.


I thought it was a Bullshido requirement to post pictures, videos, certificates, addresses and penis sizes as “proof”.

You first.

I guess It Is Fag will never truly be respected until he states who he is.

We know who he is, we also know who you are.


Or they quietly got rid of the video out of shame because some Systema guys beat teh fuck out of a group of Rickson nut hugging jiu Jitsu geeks who claim to do MMA?

I don’t know for a fact what happened, but whyt would the guy on lie about it. And lets fucking face it now lads, you guys are hardly the hardest, meanest, baddest motherfuckers around now are you. It’s not exactlyt impossible to believe that some of you kids are capable of getting your heads kicked in now is it?

You aren’t fooling anyone with you’re “we’ve got it right” bullshit.

Cool, so that’s that then I guess.