Top Martial Artists slate Bullshido

Proof or it’s bullshit. :slight_smile:

What is this secret forum that It Is Fag is going on about? I want him to post something out of it because he’s obviously got his wires crossed somewhere.

Whgo am I supposed to be? Jo9nes, Jay or marina? Please prove that I’m one of these. lol.

You mean, Like this? - Ex-SAS

1- Surely the systema guys kept video too, idiot, otherwise how the hell would they prove anything?

2- Neither do I, if i see video or other evidence, I will then.

3- Proof read your posts plz.

4- Prove i said that

Prove I’m not. It’s down to YOU to prove me wrong. Notr me to prove anything to you. If you want to claim I’m someone else then fucking prove it. If you want to brand me a liar then, again, prove it. Until you prove it then your comments are meaningless.

That’s the Bullshido way is it not. We want “proof or it didn’tr happen”. Bwaahahahahhahaha … nerds!

You talked shit.

IIf called you on it.

You issued a challenge.

IIF accepted.

You need to get on a plane or STFU.

He told you where to find him.

Get on a plane.

That is also Bullshido’s way.

Obfuscating, dodging, and ignoring the facts won’t change them.


No, the converse isn’t true, the burden of proof lies with the individual if someone in the cummunity doubts a claim. We dont really care about your bitchy whiney ‘prove i’m not this and that’. You’re still a troll

This place is fucjking hiloarious. I love how everyone screams “PROOF” at every fucking claim. I also find it funny when “the proof tactic” is played against you.

Personally I don’t think I need to PROVE anything to you. I’m not trying to impress anyone here as I don’t respect anyone here and don’t care if anyone here respects me. This place is a joke in the MMA community, with MMA TV laughing their tits off at you and just about every major site considering you to be a bunch of stupid yank teenagers going through their “rebelious phase”. Ranting on about how grappling is essential for fighting was funny in 2002 but it’s just old now. And that’s what makes it so fucking funny for me. The fact that you bthink you are doing something cool and rebelious and “oh so shocking” by rebelling against the mould, wheras in reality nobody gives a fuck about “ZOMG check out this dousche who thinks he don’t need 2 lern grappling LOLZZZZ”. The more you try, the more you look like geeks.

Get with the times lads, you are a fucking embarrasment. Haha

You brought it up dick head. It Is Fag is a whole seperat issue. But lol @ you sidestepping the question with “yeah, yeah, well … you, er, you challenged It Is fag and didn’t show lol”.

Fuck off FickleFingerOfFags. Prove I’m bullshitting. How can you call me on it? Prove it or shut the fuck up.

You can’t prove a negative. Its amazing how many people don’t understand this. In fact, I just got done explaining it.

And yes, the burden of proof is on you. This is fucking basics man.

Wow, so much logical fallacy, so little space.

Really? Well i guess that’s just tough fucking shit for you isn’t it. If the issue of proof lies with you then the burden lies with you to find it. Like I said, I don’t need to gain the respect of anyone here. but until you can prove I’m bullshitting your claims carry no weight at all.

Get on a plane, I’ll pick you up at the airport.

Running out of things to say eh FuckleFingerOfFags? Oh well, I take it you are giving up then. Hahahahahahaaa. You kids are hilarious.

Wrong. I have no burden whatsoever. I’m not obliged to justify mnyself to anyone. If you have an issue with me then it’s down to you to do something about it. Otherwise shut vthe fuck up.

Volume of words = / = Volume of wisdom, you prove that, incontravertably.

Still haven’t proven who i am yet FickleFagFingers? Still haven’t proven I’m a liar? Oh well. Better luck next time … nerd!

Get on a plane, I’ll pick you up at the airport.

Was trolling part of your special forces training?

Now listenFagFingers. That really has nothging to do with it. You are majking yourself look a dick by being all like “yeah … yeah … well come fight me then”.

I’m not going to get a plane to fight you or It Is Fag. If you were here in England then maybe, but it’s pretty obvious that I’m not going to fight someone just becauser I think they are a geek who is full of shit on the internet.

“ok well if you’re not going to fight then shut the fuck up” I hear you say … sure thing son. I will not mention flying to America to fight anybody again. So I guess that’s that situation resolved. Then again I don’t ever remember mentioning it or even mentioning It Is Fag on thsi thread until you brought it up to try and divert attention elsewhere. Anyway, none of this has anything to do with my points on this thread.

So where is this proof FickleFingerOfFags?