Thoughts on the Boston Children's Hospital Incident

People who earn doctorates are legit doctors. Not MDs, but some are both.

In the USA at least.

Disagree, and I won’t agree with you ever on that one.

I am content to disagree, in an agreeable manner.

Me too, neither of us will be fathering and raising any more kids.

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It ain’t over, till it’s over.

But, chances are, you are right.

If child safety is really the objective of these kinds of hospital protests (and not ideological one upmanship) , then take your tiki torches and pitch forks and protest outside Meta

Good call actually.

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Perfect demonstration that you don’t understand the political dynamics happening in the US lmao.

No, he’s right. For the wrong reason, but right. Remember the Twitter protests? Major, and there was also a lawsuit. Now, talk about Facebook and the election and now you have a movement. They were big into election interference.

My point being that Meta/Facebook is not the friend of dissidents, as it seemed his reply was implying.

Also I agree on your point. If there were a call to action against Facebook and it was heeded, that could be significant.

They’re literally globalists.

Who? Facebook/Meta? Yeah, that’s my point. They aren’t a friend of the nationalist right wing.

Yeah. I had an argument once with a creationist which went pretty much the same way.

They had an issue with schools promoting one theory over another to indoctrinate kids in to their liberal bias or something.

The overarching issue is they want their particular flavor of xtianity taught, or nothing else. The vast majority homeschool, which is fine, they can indoctrinate their kids into whatever flavor of sky-god silliness they want, and pretend they learn the social (and academic) skills kids will get in a well-run public school environment.

Once it is understood that what they really want is a Xtian theocracy in place, it all makes a lot more sense.

Public schools would become Xtian madrasas, essentially.

And they couch their criticism of public schools (and, to be clear, there ARE legit criticisms to be made) in terms of “indoctrination”, because, well, that is what they are doing to their kids, so that’s the “lens” they see things through.

They aren’t wrong though. Posting unedited videos of these public school teachers talking about indoctrinating children is one of the things that got the lady behind The Libs of TikTok account so much attention. There does tend to be a certain type of politics a person has to go through with a MEd program.

That goes for pretty much any kind of graduate level education even the program I went through. The politics will vary based on the program e.g. the APSIA program I went through because of its structure and reputation had a lot of very pro America very Rules Based Liberal World Order supporting types who were either already hired by or in the process of getting hired by DoD, State, etc. and many active duty military. On the MPSA side of the house there were a lot more politically liberal types focusing on and having already worked for NGOs and non profits.

It’s going to act like a filter mechanism.

And of course on the MEd side this doesn’t go for all schools everywhere. The further you are from the imperial capital or one of the big blue bug hives the fewer teachers you’ll see having gone through this filter and having these politics trying to indoctrinate your kid.

Tomorrow I film Episode 2: Attack of the Clowns (Or I’ll call it “King of Kangz”). We’re going to have to cover 2 miles on foot while evading an army of clowns and tactical teams while not drawing aggro from federal task forces.

Not totally wrong, and not totally correct, either.

What the movement does is take bad examples and extrapolate them to the entire public school system in the US.

Sounds like a party!

Kangz, LOL…

In thinking of pulling a Doom Patrol.

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So I managed to fuck up and get cornered, but they just sorta told me they recognized me and went about harassing less dangerous people.