There is no difference between mocking HIV and COVID19 patients

Don’t take my word for it.

Influenza (flu) vaccines (often called “flu shots”)

On a government website: flushot.htm - lol. If that isn’t cultural redefinition, I don’t know what is.

You are verbose

Perfection is the enemy of progress

Lookee here son, just you jump in you’re horseles carriage now

Are you just against slang in general, or is it PTSD when an English professor tried to shoot you?

“It depends”.

So, here we go. On topic, even.

Moral bankruptcy, and lack of character, and lack of professionalism, on full display.

Weak-minded assholes who pump themselves up by making fun of other people.

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It’s fine to mock theists, and this kind of non fact based resistance to the vaccine falls squarely in that camp

Grow a thicker skin if you want to put yourself before everyone else in society, especially the most vulnerable

God damn snowflakes

Do you know what irritates me?
When people driving vehicles do not stay the proper car lengths back from the vehicle in front of them.
Especially when the vehicle in front of them is a motorcycle, but also automobiles.

I’ll just leave this here, and let you draw your own conclusions. Do you think she’s also wearing Fauci underoos, or is she more the Cuomo type?

I feel you

Speeders irritate me

Selfish bastads

The bully pulpit is a new thing?

Would it be fair to call that fox article virtue signaling?

How about hypocritical? Since they are there own bully pulpit?

I’m fucken sick of COVID.

Why don’t you stop your incessant stupidity trolling as a service to your fellow posters here ?

You are a weak-minded asshole who pumps yourself up by making fun of others.

In my humble opinion.

You would hate me.

I’m a courteous driver.

You’re probably one of those who dwaddles in the fast lane.

Speed saves. Especially in boats and bikes, but for your edification - defensive driving doesn’t mean pulling over, it means distancing yourself from the threat(s). If that means going faster, and nobody gets injured or dies, then fucking wonderful.

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He doesn’t even drive, I bet, other than people crazy.

Imagine being his neighbor…

Spuds and chainsaws doesn’t seem so bad. Too bad he’s not Irish.

I imagine he’s more like Rand Paul…

It takes a special someone to have a simultaneous keen interest in both cataracts and lying pieces of shit octogenarians. Doofa isn’t there, yet.