The Ukraine Thread - War Edition

She’s not wrong.

That same Ukrainian female pol who took the photos of her in her apartment with the krink during the height of the pro Ukraine media wave was later spotted at the airport. That’s like expecting Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris to run to the frontline.

Why is running to the front line the standard? You mean to fight, correct? The PM might be able to serve better doing other things.

Like the Ukrainian President, maybe?

Estonia is tiny… If Russia attacked Estonia, it would get geographically steam-rolled alone…

My criticism was about how quickly the political leadership of a speed bump is so willing to talk aggressively when she isn’t going to be the one getting vaporized by a cruise missile.

She might well get vaporized by a cruise missile, given her leadership position, and opposition to Putin (in the specific case).

If you mean she wouldn’t be on the front lines with an AK, I addressed that. She’s in a leadership position, not in the military.

Zelensky goes and visits places in Ukraine, that put him in danger, no doubt, but he’s not soldiering.

I don’t doubt he would if he had to, though.

He’s way more valuable in his leadership position.

Zelensky is fairly public and has yet to be vaporized by a cruise missile in a signature strike. He’s actually killed or jailed more of the Ukrainian administrative state than the Russians have.

I very much doubt he would pick up a rifle and go fight if it came to it. I also am not sure how valuable I would feel he was as a leader if I were in the UAF or SBU right now. He’s sending units that seem to be politically dangerous (the Ukrainian nationalists) into the meat grinder for no strategic gain and he’s arresting Ukrainian nationalists in the government including in their equivalent of the FBI.

I read about the internal security issues and “sackings”.

So, are you implying Zelenski is really some sort of Russian stooge?

No. I’m explicitly stating he is a GAE stooge and that is openly known. The Ukrainian nationalists are just as much a threat to the elite scion unemployment office as the pro Russia parties or the Communists were (who were also purged).

What is GAE?

Globolist American Empire

OK, thanks

12 characters

Well, GAE, fits in kind of well with Schmitt, at first glance.

I’m reading a lot of what appears to be a lot of…propaganda about it.

It’s just an easy shorthand to describe the current ruling class in the US specifically, and the West as their satraps more generally, and all the baggage that would require a longer form discussion e.g. that they tend to view the countries they govern not as nations of people they have an obligation to but as economic zones from which to extract resources and wealth to further the interests of a largely rootless, cosmopolitan ruling class with a side effect of making consumer goods and fun travel cheaper for the professional class in the administrative state.

The great thing about the US ruling class, is that if you don’t like them, you can displace them, replace them, or even become one of them, regardless of how humble your own beginnings were, or are.

You can’t displace them or replace them by working within the system. The system will just react when you elect someone they don’t like e.g. Trump in ways that otherwise would be considered scandalous (Crossfire Hurricane, DoD/JCOS lying to Trump about troop disposition when he commanded troop decrease in Afghanistan and Syria etc.). And even if you succeed in sidelining the administrative state they will just wait in their corner until you’re no longer in charge and undo everything you did.

Becoming one of them doesn’t change anything about their nature, you simply decide to become rootless, cosmopolitan, and work against the interests of the people you came from.

As far as humble beginnings, I would love a modern example. AOC is the typical go to but you should actually take a look at her resume.

How would you know?

Elected officials are only one type of person with power.

How would you know?

One of my clients did not come from any money, poor upbringing in Mississippi, high school drop out GED, with a felony conviction in 11th grade,
Had to start his own business, because getting employment with a felony was a problem.
He’s worth somewhere between a quarter to a half billion dollars, or was when I last checked.
And his rolodex is deep.

And I have known, and/or have met, a fair number of those.

They rarely forget where they came from.

They do evolve in some ways, or they end up broke, or destroyed prematurely by their own demons, or the demons of those they surround themselves with from their past or new acquaintances.

Well I’ve been alive for multiple POTUS elections including some modern ones that were supposed to come with major reform. I can also read so history isn’t gatekept from me.

Correct. The unelected people with power are called the Administrative or Deep state.

Every single radical who has ever run for office. It’s happened historically to even e.g. Islamists. In fact, I did some research work as a graduate researcher on this specific topic (the moderation of radical politics in electoral systems in the 20th century). You see if everywhere from Japan and the Japanese Red Army to Portugal to Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood.

So either he doesn’t have the power you think he does in reality, he does have that power and decided for some reason not to use it, or he has that power and his interests align with those currently in power.

Well, there is a lot to unpack there, for sure.

The simplest example to point to is NAFTA: gutting blue collar industries and jobs for the sake of cheap consumer goods for the white collar middle class (or professional managerial class depending on how Nu-Marxist you are) and GDP go brrrrrrrr. Even Bernie fucking Sanders used to call out NAFTA and loose immigration policy as having a negative effect on blue collar labor pool in the US.