The Ukraine Thread - War Edition

So far the invasion has objectively been a shambles. I was waiting out for some master plan to unfold but the longer this goes on the more I doubt that there is one.

The irony being that Russians, of all people, should be well aware what shitty losing tactic it is to create a concrete meat grinder full of murderously angry people with nothing left to lose.

I still have faith in Putin

Or he’s going demented

One of the two

Is he reckless enough to start using chlorine gas ?

Soviet Russian military doctrine was always “quantity has a quality all of it’s own”, that is keep feeding meat and materiel into the grinder till the grinder clogs up and stops functioning

Then victory is assured

In modern terms, they’ve moved past that since their Afghanistan. Despite Russia’s generally cavalier attitude toward human life, even that of its own citizens and troops, there was a popular backlash against taking such heavy losses with such little gains. It’s why Putin is using auxiliary troops in the form of Chechens, Wagner contractors, Iranian volunteers and possibly Belarusian’s so early into the campaign. In a way it’s a positive sign as it indicates that they’re already taking losses sufficient enough to warrant the use of these factions but it also gives Russia plausible deniability in regards to whatever mad shit these factions get up to, plus it’s no loss of Russian troops or cost.

However your point stands, in a different aspect. Instead of fighting through an urban environment (which favours the defender 99.9% of the time, plus the Russian military leans toward mechanised over light infantry), Russian forces will most likely just batter the area with air, missiles and artillery. They’d purposefully destroy civilian infrastructure, cause mass casualties amongst the civilians and basically wear them down. They have game for this with effect in Grozny and Aleppo and it looks like they’ve started doing it already.

So yeah, quantity over quality.

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Shid. All of the above.

Anyone else creeped out by the no-so-vaguely fascist Z icon Russia is putting on everything?

If you’re going to “denazify” a place dressing up like Nazis is kind of a shit look.

It’s a TRF, a tactical recognition flash. Similar to the Ukrainian yellow armbands. Currently it has no meaning beyond that that but it looks like pro-Russians are using it as some sort of supportive symbol.

It’s isn’t necessarily the insignia itself so much as context.

The blacked out APCs and tanks with their wierd “sideways sig rune” look like the fucking holomodor.

Same with the propaganda showing Russian skinheads flying it on their banners.

This can’t be lost on the leadership who picked the design scheme and directed it’s promotion to the public. “Presentation is half of taste”

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A good buddy of mine, former sniper in Sangin Valley, just flew out early on Friday and is already on his way to the front as we speak. It is hard trying to go about daily life knowing this shit is going on.

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I’ve quite a few Eastern European friends too, and had to watch one being distraught for a week with her 80 year old mum being stuck in Khakiv, so this hits pretty close. Putin jest kurwa!

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Oh no. Putin, baby, what is you doing?
Less than a month into the operation and Russia is already running out of steam.
I’m starting to think they have been on the verge of collapse for a long time now and only invaded Ukraine out of a desperate need for resources.

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Game on. Probably not available in Russia.

Welcome, my friends, to the Bullshido timeline.

What’s the rule set?

It would have to be kudo.

Her balls are bigger than Putin’s.

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She’s in police custody now

A true patriot

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That is the number one watched news channel in Russia. People are talking.


Too bad Wrabbit’s not here anymore.