everything but their vagina/boobs.
So looking at a nice ass annoys you? Well, I think you should have a talk with El Macho.
10 seconds before this gets deleted again for no reason!
Oh and their hurricane of indecisiveness.
When they get mad at me I like to accuse them of being a predatory mammal. For example, the other day:
Girl: Look, I’m sorry for yelling at you.
Me: That’s cool. Thanks for apologizing.
Me: What? Are you crazy?
Me: Holy shit! You’re a fucking bear!
Or I’ll stop them mid sentence and say:
Me: Wait. Hold on. What kind of pants are you wearing?
Her: What?
Me: What. Kind. Of. Pants. Are. You. Wearing?
Her: I’m wearing shorts.
Me: Oh really? Because it really sounds like you’re wearing a size small in cranky pants.
Thanks for not deleting my thread again Tom!
Is this your coming out party?
Cause now would be a good time to finally come out of the closet.
Sirc, have you ever considered posting a thread with actual content and purpose? You know, one that involves more thought than ‘God, women are annoying!’.
Or maybe dealing with the fact that you are useless at women? You know, keeping them, talking to them or ever having a hope of understanding one…
But then I wouldn’t get the entertainment value from seeing him banned again and again.
Actually, my original thread was pretty in-depth and had some killer word play in it. Hurricane of indecisiveness was one I was particularly fond of.
But then Tom Kagan came in and deleted it for no apparent reason except to abuse his power and because he’s upset with me.
I didn’t bother to retype it.
You know, I hold the current title for being banned the most in the history of Bullshido. I think I’m up to 9 now.
I gotta say, that is pretty impressive. You’ve taken being a jackass to an art form, sir.
Your parents must be so proud.
It’s true, the first thread’s OP is longer than this one’s.
Let’s not forget that he’s also come back from bannings 9 times and was made a Mod on Sociocide.
Wonders never cease…
I see it more as a reminder of my immortality.
Then I got my powers curtailed by Tom, but through a tireless journey to the center of my inner-self, I found my true power and my powers were restored.