The Penis Monologues

I have debated posting this thread on either site. I approach this in a fact gathering manner. This has not been well thought out, finishing up at the office on a Friday so this is what happens.

How old were you when your thingy stopped working like you were used to and what did you do about it?

Nigh 60 and still going strong, when I badger the wife into compliance.

How’s that for an ugly picture? Enjoy your weekend Lily.

Dear lord, let not my children come across my posts.

No thong pictures forthcoming.

[QUOTE=Lily;3041098]How old were you when your thingy stopped working like you were used to and what did you do about it?[/QUOTE]

I’m only 45. I’ll let you know when I get to “failure to communicate.”

[QUOTE=hungryjoe;3041100]No thong pictures forthcoming.[/QUOTE]

I deleted them and ran a scramble algorithm on the flash drive, so I think we’re OK.

41 this year and I can still cut diamond with my wood. Is this a sneaky way of finding out if your partner still finds you attractive?

[QUOTE=Lily;3041098]I have debated posting this thread on either site. I approach this in a fact gathering manner. This has not been well thought out, finishing up at the office on a Friday so this is what happens.

How old were you when your thingy stopped working like you were used to and what did you do about it?[/QUOTE]
Have the person see a Cardiologist.

While stress and other factors can cause same, in many cases erectile dysfunction may be the only warning sign of a potential widow maker grade heart attack on the horizon.

If it’s not caused by physical issues the ol’ Kama Sutra men’s health routine is helpful. (For men of any age really)
Jelqing, peaking and treating sexual arousal as a meditative tantric exercise.

There is also a line of pumps (Hydromax) that are designed to treat full on dead-dick impotence.

In addition to the cardiologist see a urologist.

Well, I have a question. What do you mean by “stopped working like you were used to”? I’m 41 and everything works as I need it to. No issues getting it up and keeping it up. HOWEVER, over the last couple years I have noticed less interests in multiple sessions, per se. Not that I couldn’t, I would rather just go to bed after the first session as try and keep it all going. If you know what I mean.

So if that’s what you are talking about, I’d say the last year, maybe a year and a half.

Everything still works, just not as frequently, at 56. I’ve got a willing partner who does not require begging, cajoling, or coercion, ever, so that’s not an issue.

So, Mr. Beemer not as interested as he used to be ?

[QUOTE=Dr. Gonzo;3041106]Have the person see a Cardiologist.

While stress and other factors can cause same, in many cases erectile dysfunction may be the only warning sign of a potential widow maker grade heart attack on the horizon.[/QUOTE]
One that will do its job or one that will leave me looking after a vegetable?

[QUOTE=Lily;3041219]One that will do its job or one that will leave me looking after a vegetable?[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you’re using vegetables to do his job now… you may soon be looking after two veggies.

[QUOTE=Diesel_tke;3041184]Well, I have a question. What do you mean by “stopped working like you were used to”? I’m 41 and everything works as I need it to. No issues getting it up and keeping it up. HOWEVER, over the last couple years I have noticed less interests in multiple sessions, per se. Not that I couldn’t, I would rather just go to bed after the first session as try and keep it all going. If you know what I mean.

So if that’s what you are talking about, I’d say the last year, maybe a year and a half.[/QUOTE]



[QUOTE=Dr. Gonzo;3041106]Have the person see a Cardiologist.

While stress and other factors can cause same, in many cases erectile dysfunction may be the only warning sign of a potential widow maker grade heart attack on the horizon.[/QUOTE]

I’m going to reiterate that this is the true course of action. This is the right move.

Do they have any contributing factors that put them at risk like smoking, cocaine abuse or obesity?

Who here knows what PMO means?

I have a sneaking suspicion ED is often the result of or at least linked to a lack of PMO over time, with certain wives being a significant contributing factor. Sure other health issues can cause this, but out of the blue? Gotta be that PMO missing in their lives.

I do not have this problem myself, but I’ve noted that whenever people bring up their flaccid penis, Viagra is not always the solution because even with a rock hard on, they still ain’t getting any PMO.

[QUOTE=Diesel_tke;3041184]Well, I have a question. What do you mean by “stopped working like you were used to”? I’m 41 and everything works as I need it to. No issues getting it up and keeping it up. HOWEVER, over the last couple years I have noticed less interests in multiple sessions, per se. Not that I couldn’t, I would rather just go to bed after the first session as try and keep it all going. If you know what I mean.

So if that’s what you are talking about, I’d say the last year, maybe a year and a half.[/QUOTE]

Mrs Rabbit and I have had this chat many times:

“Sleep, or sex”.

At 20, or even 30, this is a stupid question.

By 40? Great question!

[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;3041286]Mrs Rabbit and I have had this chat many times:

“Sleep, or sex”.

At 20, or even 30, this is a stupid question.

By 40? Great question![/QUOTE]

Primary Means of Opportunity?

Keep lots of rope on hand. I AM KNOT GOD!

…wakes from dream…


Replied to wrong post. Sheesh.

[QUOTE=hungryjoe;3041288]Primary Means of Opportunity?

Keep lots of rope on hand. I AM KNOT GOD!

…wakes from dream…


Replied to wrong post. Sheesh.[/QUOTE]

Porn, masturbation, and the big O. This is one of those things celebrated in what’s known as the “NoFap” community as good things to give up.

There is also the whole historic line of esoteric practices surrounding semen retention in Asian cultures. In Chinese culture specifically this is one way to enhance your chi reservoirs.

“No PMO” may be good for some souls, but I think it must have a huge impact on function when giving it up is not voluntary or intentional, or just from the usual fatigue/stress of later life. If your wife won’t let you get your PMO on, life sucks for you, and maybe your penis just says “fuck this, I’m retiring early”.

Basically, to maintain sexual function well after your physical prime, you have to keep…exercising things, right ?

Applies to your heart, your mind, even your lungs, so why not the old One Eyed Willy?

joe - I didn’t need that visual .

Diesel - that’s what I meant but in my case my bed partner is freaking out about it and is using it like it is going out of fashion.

To everyone who suggested a heart check up, good advice. Will do.