The Ongoing Adventures of Phrost on Twitter

Most U.S. nuclear plants are profitable even if subsidies are removed.

How about dams?

I don’t know what that means but I will explain why I think your objectivity is comprised

You say Trump predicted the current events re. Ukraine

You say this because you give Trump credit that is not earned

He did not “predict” anything, but one of his staffers managed to get him to repeat a long standing us gvt policy

It went down like this

Staffer: hey, Mr President, if you say Germany should reduce it’s dependency on Russian oil

Trump: but that will upset my friend Vladimir. He thinks I’m really cool, you know

Staffer: it will really piss off the Europeans, and the base will love it
 Obama was very weak on Germany’s dependence on Russian oil. Not like you Sir


Your idolisation of Trump, like with any religious type adoration, enables you to see patterns that just aren’t really there

I’d love to see the evidence to support this position

What’s that got to do with political corruption?

The jury is still out on the former, but you’ll need to prove the latter or STFU

I don’t take your word on most things

If you want to persuade me, post supporting evidence

If you don’t want to persuade me, don’t bother responding to my posts

You are so hysterical regarding Trump, that it must seem to you, that anyone who is not similarly hysterical, “idolizes” Trump.
When in fact, you are a nut, who makes shit up, and is rather stupid.
Also, you are a personal dead beat, who is supported by his baby momma, and the welfare system,
so of course you advocate welfare politics.
Trump wanted Europe and the UK to start paying their bills, and stop being dead beats, and of course this would bother you, because America has been subsidizing the welfare you get from your shit hole domicile.

For the rest of the room, the nuclear plants surrounding the D.C. area alone have budget surpluses of over $300 million currently, before any subsidies.

As usual, Doofa, is being stupid, and ignorant.

I have no desire to persuade you.
But I will bother to respond to some of your posts, as it pleases me,
to use you and your stupid posts as an educational device,
to inform others.
You know, don’t be as dumb as Doofa, kind of thing.

I get the impression you are against subsidies? Are you?

I am not familiar with the economics of nuclear power. I’m not opposed to it, though, as part of the process of curbing AGW.

Wind and solar have their own issues, though, not the least of which are environmental problems with their implementation. I am not opposed to either, though.

Why don’t you look up nuke plant profitability and share it with us?

I don’t get the impression he idolizes Trump.

Carl Schmitt, though, maybe.

In any case, your statement looks like you are making stuff up, or at least making some really big assumption(s).

You do that a lot, your realize that?

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Everyone’s objectivity is compromised, it’s called bias, and we all have it.

Including you, my brother in potato cultivation.

The trick is to be aware of your bias(es), so you can not let them hinder you from learning new things, being open to new ideas, and reason more effectively.

So, @doofaloofa, here we go. I’ve got a few minutes of extra time waiting on my second cup of coffee. The fresh taters and scrambled eggs with grated Romano cheese were delicious.


Oh look, the report that article cites says:

Imagine that !

I found that in 2 minutes of searching.

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Bro you want to talk about objectivity and you literally just pulled this out of your ass.

Lmao even
I’m pointing to a person saying a very specific thing would be an issue in the future, getting laughed at, and it turning out to come true. Again, you’re redditbrained.

What do you mean by “political corruption”? The Greens pushing to denuclearize Germany and also push infeasible alternatives to fossil fuels having a bad outcome doesn’t mean they were engaging in some kind of corruption. It just means they were stupid and wrong.

You literally just made some shit up. What do you call that other than lying?

Nah. I just think he was correct about the nature of politics and that frame is a useful one. Just like I think there were things about Trump that were and can be useful (Retire All Government Employees, how much he makes the people that want me dead and broke seethe, bringing manufacturing back to CONUS etc.) if he wins in 2024 but I don’t really care about him as a person.

Maybe partially correct. Been reading up on him.

It’s complex, though, admittedly. It’s hard to get past him working for the NAZIs.

And I’m not a fan of authoritarianism.

Again with the subjective interpretation of events

Again Trump was expressing us policy, and nobody laughed at him for that

Perhaps you are mixing it up with that time in Helsinki

Perhaps you could reciprocate with an example of German Green Party corruption?

Erm? Creative writing?

But you made the suggestion that I was fibbing before that, so like I said, prove it or shut up

I know

It makes you wonder why gonzo is so averse to providing evidence to support his unhinged theories, doesn’t it

Take your pick:

  1. Illegal campaign funding,
  2. Illegal payments to Party Leadership.
  3. Past ties and support for pedophilia groups.

It depends who you ask

A study in 2019 by the economic think tank DIW Berlin, found that nuclear power has not been profitable anywhere in the world.[22]

I would say the “profitability” of the US plants is not taking into account high construction/commissioning costs and high waste disposal/decommissioning costs at the end of the facilities working life


“The initial emergency response, together with later decontamination of the environment, involved more than 500,000 personnel and cost an estimated 18 billion Rbls —roughly US$68 billion in 2019, adjusted for inflation.”

“The disaster has been estimated to cost some $235 billion in damages.”

What was the dollar value of the energy generated by Chenobyl?