The Ongoing Adventures of Phrost on Twitter

There is always mutually assured destruction.
And marriages.
Oh wait, those two things may have more in common, than they do apart, as I think about it.

Technically but I’m not a robot.

I take into account the individual and their motives.

So long as we agree not to let well meaning incompetents with good motives build our bridges.
Bridges are better built by selfish but competent engineers, whose only motivation may be their own good professional reputations, and how much they get paid.

Sure contexts matter as well.

I never thought all that was any compromise.

Yeah. But it is not everything all the time. And it isn’t the be all and end all of argument.

I mean to put that in to perspective he tried to flex by telling me how many cows he lives near because I mentioned cowboy shooting is popular here.

Exept kind of bullshit.

This is not true.
You made an inference that because cowboys lived near you, that you had some insight into what cowboying was, or was all about.
I then rebutted, that would only be true, if you spent time with them, and especially, if you actually practiced cowboying with them.
And if you recall, you were telling the posters who practice with firearms, that you could lecture them, about firearms, and using firearms, because you engage in airsoft activities.
And stated that people who train with real firearms are larping, because they are not shooting at each other.
At which point some of us explained to you what simunition was, etc.
And, I also said, I am advocate, of laser training, airsoft training, air pistol / air rifle training, and dryfire and in many cases, one should do those things for drilling, instead of using live ammunition,
but I also disagreed with your general statement, that people who train with live firearms, using real firearm ammunition, are “larping”.
So, to go full circle, I asked you if you train cowboy shooting, or spent time with the cowboys, or spent time cowboy’ing, you said “no”, and I said, that their expertise, is not your expertise.
In fact, I also said that I suspected that people working ranches, in Australia, did have access to real firearms, and used them, when necessary, which was my original point, in that discussion, that people in rural areas, doing ag work, or wildlife work, did often need access to firearms, as part of their daily living.

Yeah? I still think you can’t friend enemy and be independent. I think being truly independent and truly powerful is not needing to bother with the friend enemy distinction.

Nope. I was pretty sure we had a straight up who knows more cows, shoot off.

It was truly one of the strangest arguments I have ever had.

I have spent time with the most cowboyiest cowboy of them all. Troy Dunn.

Then you missed the point, entirely.

You were attempting to lecture to the firearm experts on the board, about firearms, because you play or engage in airsoft activities, and you called them “larpers” for training with live firearms, in manners where they were not shooting at each other.
And i said you were being silly, and stupid for doing so.

Although, yeah, the southern border of my property is a 1,000 acre cattle ranch, and 1/4 of a cow, is going in my freezers in the next couple months, and I do spend some time with cowboys, on their ranches sometime.
Although I myself, am not a cowboy.
Then again, as a teenager, I did work and live in a slaughterhouse, attached to a large commercial farm.
In any case, that discussion was about firearms, but we did go on a cattle ranch tangent, after you claimed cowboy expertise, that you do not personally have.

Hey Greg, have you ever even been on a cattle ranch?

And @gregaquaman, I can tell you why it matters, too.
Sometimes, there are steer or bulls that get out around me, or on my pastures, or on the streets where I live off of, and drive.
And yeah, as a kid, and even now, I have to make sure I know what pastures I am on
(is there a bull or bulls on that pasture or not…?).
And I have had neighbor’s horses, and cattle knock over my beehives, in the past, back when I had around a thousand on my pastures.

And regarding real firearms, as much as I am one of the most vocal advocates in the firearm training community for laser trainers, dry fire, airsoft, and air gun training, whenever live firearms are not needed,

There is a difference, in particular, with the range of danger, for shooting in safe or non-safe directions, and penetration, when it comes to firearms, and different firearm rounds, and different firearms, compared to the other modalities, I mentioned.

@gregaquaman ,
On the other hand, some of your crocodilians, and and sharks, are more worrisome that my local versions.
That is how it goes.
Although we both have some worrisome ones.
Australia’s do tend to be a little bigger, and more aggressive, than Florida’s.
This much is true, or so I have heard.
I have some expertise with Florida’s, but none, with Australia’s, other than through third parties.

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No I was shit talking on a thread called Boogaloo bulshit. (Yeah. Real serious firearms discussion going on there)

When you came in bitching about how much more important "real guns were than Airsoft.

Not true, you lie again.

And you are silly for doing so.

I discussed the value of serious laser, airsoft, airgun, and firearms training, each in its own context.

Ironically, in the firearms community, I am the advocate, or one of them, for laser, airsoft, air gun, and dry fire training, when live firearm or deadly airgun ammunition is not strictly necessary, for the training objective.

Much like live sparring in striking arts, has a proper dose, and it is much smaller than many of the non-professional fighters, and non-professional fighter coaches, often tend to think.

I see you edited your post by adding a quote, from @Osiris.
He, unlike you, is a BJJ black belt.
He does run security details, as a private contractor, to private clientele’s, and in a way, so did you for a good while.
So, you are welcome to criticize his or mine, or anyone’s, comments on club security, from your expertise, as a 20 year club bouncer, yourself.
However, he was providing a review of a piece of night vision gear.
What the fuck did anything you say, add value, to his critique of a piece of night vision gear?

It was at the time, and still is, sold as a compromise by those who want it to happen. Selling what you want as the compromise position does have some value in propaganda. In reality it wasn’t a compromise then and they aren’t looking for a compromise now.

That’s a fantasy anyway. You can’t literally be a comic book superhero billionaire. In real life every island man is going to get overrun by the people who cooperate.

Naturally occurring tools, I nearly herniated myself laughing.

Plenty of those in evidence here.

It’s all a case in point for the Friend/Enemy thing.