The Official Trojan President Harris Thread

“Here I sit all broken hearted,
Tried to coup,
But only farted.”


Whatever you say, pawn of the Patriarchy

It’s been over a year, and despite being a right-wing shill, I still don’t have nor have had teh d3adlies. Funny how that works.

As a stutterer I love this movie.

With that weak effort, not surprising.

You mean you haven’t had COVID?

I hear it’s yummy and has lots of vitamin C.

Maybe you have had asymptomatic plague, and you’ll have a stroke in six months

I have had asymptotic plague for a little over a year.

Passing the buck, day 1:

Dude was elected 2 months ago, has a COVID czar, and the plan is to blame the last guy.

Isn’t it normal to blame the last guy for the first 100 days then it is all on the incumbent

Unless you are Trump, in which case you blame every thing on Obama right up to last Tuesday

If it wasn’t for Trump, this would all still be W’s fault.

The off-hand, parsimonious explanation for this would be that countries which have no lingering sexist issues with electing female leaders are also more likely to follow the recommendations of science over faith and other irrational belief systems.


Right, because women worldwide are known for acting rationally.


W was the first to take the pandemic threat seriously, and did the initial work at the behest of Bill Gates and others towards creating the pandemic monitoring teams that Obama expanded and Trump eliminated.

No less than men. What’s the ratio of males to females who die doing utterly stupid shit because it’s “badass”?

Fear of mortality is not exactly the same thing as rationalism.

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You need to get in touch with your feminine side Sub

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If you could just PM me her number…

No. He was the first of six Virginian children.