I was Bran Lydster on the old forums, hoping for tags as follows, old school (maybe? not sure of dates), Military - Royal Air force, Judo Black belt, BJJ (then blue - now purple belt), Throwdown in Oxford UK.
No tag available for sambo, but just in case one is in the pipeline…I am Combat sambo national coach for Great Britain team (not that I am any good, was just the only name in the frame from my peers in the BSF)
I am anarki13 on the old forums (i think that was my username if my brain isnt tricking me).
bjj blue belt, old school (definitely joined prior to 2012!), computer professional, and Bullwark, plz!
Does competing in full-contact kyokushin tournaments qualify as an amateur fighter? (probably not but hey, better to ask :D)
TD is pretty specific. I’ve done several meet-ups, but TD requires full-contact in all ranges with other bullies. I’ll source the requirements from the old forums and add that to the tag.
If you had the TD prior, just let me know so I can look that up.
Let me clarify - if you had an account on the old forums, but just didn’t post often or at all, that’s lurker status. If you just knew of the site, I can’t really validate that, unless you want to give me your browser history from 2009…