Has anybody read this book called "THE GAME" the secret society of pickup artists. I know it sounds sleazy, but it’s an interesting book in social science.
It actually teaches the tools people need to become fully effective, socially which you can use in many different ways of applying the book.
It’s not for just picking up chicks that the book was written for, but if you deal with the public or your salesperson or whatever. This is a good read! Not to say if I had read this book when I was in middle school or high school. I would have had more of a blast and I did. I am going to definitely give this one to my son who is 20 I’m sure he’s going to thank me for it.
ahm…you do get that the point of the game is that MOST of the people in it were basically losers, right?
I’m actually thinking of running pickup seminars since it seems like a good way to charge 1500 dollars to tell a guy “hit on girls till one says yes” and “be less creepy” and “put on some nice clothes”
I mean seriously it’s a whole seminar on how to buzz horny drunk chicks in clubs that are there to get stuffed in the first place.
On the other hand, I do think it is legitimate self improvement to work on your interactions with other people consciously. The Game is a book about the pickup dudes, though, it isn’t really a how-to.
It was a really really good read, though. I actually think Neil Strauss has the capacity to write some really gonzo shit - I REALLY liked his biography of Marilyn Manson as well.
i enjoyed the book a lot but as peeps have said it’s not a “how-to” it ends up more as a “why not to” …if you want the how-to the forums they talk of are all still out there, try searching Real Social Dynamics, pick up and the like.
ultimately all theyre really telling you is to act like an alpha, which will only get you so far if you’re really not one.
and chicks are much more wise to it all now anyway, there’s a few good general principles and playimg the numbers game will get shy guys over that after a while, but acting something ure not is not the way forwad IMO
self improvement and workig on actually becoming what you want to be is a better way to go
i have the book, havent gotten past 50 pages of it yet, interesting read.
I was recommended the book by a dirrrrty biker doorman that used to work for me. Hes a filthy fucker that will bang anything in sight. He loves the book cuz he fully uses every dirty trick they talk about…
i stopped reading it only cuz, well, i don’t have any issues with my own confidence, etc. I bought it cuz i was geniunely curious as to what all the rave was about, this so called secretive book
in the wrong hands, this book can be quite dangerous IMO
the characters in the book remind me of the people in “Superbad” and “Knocked up”
From what I’ve heard, everybody who tries the stuff in the books by Mystery or whoever comes off as very creepy and basically no longer has real friends.
Thanks! I actually need to read something like this, as I work in a big company full of asskissers, backstabbers and their victims. The reality is, most people need to know lifes dirty tricks more than that occasional fight (that can usually be avoided) .
NP, even if it’s just to know what to watch out for in others. I liked it for the fact that it lifted content from pieces such as “the prince” without having to wade through the nutriding that Machiavelli was laying on the Medicis at the time.
Been a member of that community almost from the beginning. I actually have a long term feud with a character mentioned in the book, Gunwitch.
I’m pretty known in the San Diego area related to the PU community.
This is where I get the “Sexual” side to my custom title here.
Robert Greene is the bullshido equivalent of pickup with his Art of Seduction and other books. He posts on tucker max’s forum quite a bit, too. Robert Greene does not pull ass.
Learning pick-up has a very similar learning curve as learning a martial art, say, boxing. The techniques are pretty straight forward but it takes a few years to become proficient at the timing and whatever other intangibles that make good MAists, good MAists.
I’m not going to try to sell you guys on the PU world, but I assure you, it reminds me very much of Bullshido(The community), just for the venus side of things, instead of Mars. The community does its “Sparring” in night clubs and such, not just mentally masturbating about “teh deadly techniques” that are often promoted in magazines and such. Most of the people who are respected gained it from being “in field”, actively seducing.
Most guys in the community are actually in a position LOWER than average guys, because most are chumps trying to get to a normal level of experience. But a few are guys like myself, who were basically dogs and players beforehand, but used the laboratory of pickup to basically become ridiculous.
If you go to any of the major PU forums, the “Sh0t” that posts there is this one, and I use the same title on most forums where I am allowed to change my title.