Surfing the Discourse Cesspool — The Worst Fringe Takes on Social Media

SHAZAM dealt with this well.

You fix Freddie’s legs with superpowers in the climax of the first movie.

In the sequel, you take it away.

Then regaining the powers is all the plot juice you need.

See: Superman 2.

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Fkin lol

You keep what you kill.

  • Richard B. Riddick

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By the way.

Because this argument is still going on Facebook.

Someone did come up with the combat wheelchair.

As a side note. How does freedom of movement work? Cos just do that?


Can’t cast Longstrider on them.

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To some perhaps.

But there are plenty I experience on both sides of the spectrum that use it to describe somebody unsuited to a position that was appointed not based on merit but on the colour of their skin or gender.

DEI has its place but it also has its limits and its a shame that it cant be discussed with either side reasonably.

The trouble is it’s become a term de guerre for any woman, minority, race, or other group that racists, bigots, and bona fide Nazis always hated.

Woman cop? DEI hire.

Gay or trans teacher? DEI hire.

Black Vice President? DEI hire.

The irony is none of the idiots saying this actually know how people were hired, but generally cops, teachers, and vice presidents aren’t hired based on DEI.

And last I checked, Kamala Harris was elected, which makes the DEI insults doubly stupid.

some of the greatest minds in history were religious, though.

Not that I am a fan of religion in general, and specifically the flavors working to undermine the USA as a pluralistic society.

Survivorship bias. For most of western history after the fall of Rome up until the last century, the only way most people could pursue science was within the confines of church or with its blessing.

Intellectuals didn’t have a choice but to play ball with religion—it was infused into every aspect of life, by force.

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I agree that it has become overused in that if a minority or female in certain positions makes a mistake they were a DEI hire but a white person makes a mistake then they themselves are just a fuck up and how or why they were hired doesn’t come in to it.

That said when I am on a plane or having surgery I want the best most qualified pilot/surgeon flying the plane/operating on me I don’t care what colour or gender so that’s how I think they should be selected and by no other criteria.
If there is not enough diversity within existing pilots/surgeons then it should be addressed at an academic level until the pilots/surgeons from diverse back grounds perform as those who are not.

Same for SS agents.

But there are areas where we have seen a culture of racism preventing minorities entering or progressing within the field like law enforcement.
I can see why targeting specific races would be necessary to change that especially when once you have the job you are then trained to do it.

Was Obama considered a DEI hire? I never heard that , he was an amazing public speaker, maybe even the best ever to do it.
He was intelligent and had charisma and charm like no president before and certainly after him.

Occam was a monk. And pretty dumb, too.

It has always been a fear of mine.

10 seconds into this idiot woman’s Youtube rant is enough, but the comments are a priceless display of delusional fantasy land bullshit.

By the way, last I checked Mike Tyson hasn’t actually commented on this at all.

Not that he had to, it’s 2024 and reality no longer applies.

Oh I see, she needed a pivot from the British royals, and Oprah, so naturally she’s now an expert in boxing.



How exactly is mike tyson the white knight for prevention of domestic abuse?

And i have seen him thrown around a lot in this debate.

Did we just forget about his past or something?