You necro’d a thread that’s over four years old just to say that? Since your style field says Modern Arnis can we assume you have some sort of tie to Mr. Frank? And how would you answer the rumor that Mr. Frank only came up with the Gunting after seeing Jim Keating doing much the same thing with a Spyderco Jot Singh Khalsa knife?

Enquiring minds do want to know.

My problem with most of these knife gurus is their seemingly lack of sparring and competitive drills in their training. Its always the same shit they show. The uke lazily sticks his weapon arm out and super knife guru guy shows a 3 step intricate technique, sometimes going off on a tangent into some other intricate technique that usually includes a bunch of silly Silat sweeps.

Now I know the crusty old instructors shouldn’t be expected to gear up and bang with a bunch of young guns. But if what they have been teaching all these years was viable against a resisting opponent there would be footage of somebody actually using these techniques in sparring.

This means you Frank, Worden, and Keating.

Bram Frank and CSSDSC… - No BS Martial Arts

2004? really? No.

Like moose.

Like twitcher!

I bet you breed with your mom.

Like tharuz!

Stoopid people shouldnt post either! ^^^

Then take the hint and leave.

anything that isnt ‘comply with the person’ or ‘run away’ in knife defense is the lulz…

Die Less Often.

Thou Faileth.



Look, all of you just fucking stop breeding!!! AAHAHHH!!!

Your face did too!

The Gunting is kind of a screwy concept in its premise to use it in its closed position for less lethal applications. My problem with that is unless you’re in a really serious situation, you shouldn’t be pulling out a knife. Assuming the premise works well in a real scenario, lets say you mess someone up with your closed gunting and end up in court- I’m sure its not good for you to explain how you bloodied someone up with a knife you carry around (even in a closed position I’ll bet it would cut someone- hell, you can cut someone with an elbow). A gunting knife is like a handgun with little pressure point horns on it for less serious situations.

Roninpimp- I think the reason you don’t see Worden or Keating’s stuff is because lots of people that like them are Phil Elmore types who don’t spar. I put on a fencing mask and spar with trainers every week, and I’ve found Keating’s stuff useful, but its not fancy wristlock type stuff, its training exercises that have made me better at targeting hands and arms. I can’t speak of the other guys you mentioned. Also, congrats on the black belt, that’s quite an accomplishment.

Where do you come up with this stuff?

Sorry, you have no clue! Quite obvious with your picture. We are official Knife instructor for CKM, Israel Military, NYPD, Miami PD. We train some of the most elite special forces, and FLETC. I think your mouth is somewhat bigger than your brain. Next time you come across one of those old knife guys as you call them, stick that big black belt foot of your in the air for about a second, and watch it turn to sushi. Oh, wait do you know what that word means? Like I said, stupid people shouldn’t breed! People like you give martial arts a bad name. I take that back, I wouldn’t even consider you a martial artist. True martial artist aren’t rude, obnoxious, and down right ignorant. You need to go get a real life. And, pray your never in a real fight.