Schools and Sexual content

Ok. So who is a sex ed expert but not a corporate shill for big Abortion?

It is alway interesting those who canā€™t understand the subject and think the other guy is the dumb one.

But requirements like blue card or a background check and so on are put in place to stop sexual predators. If you have those procedures. Then someone is concerned that the wrong person may come in to contact with kids and abuse them. So if you are subject to them. Then you work in a field where people are concerned there might be sex offenders.

Now you seem to think that a sex ed teacher is more likley to be a pedophile than a cop. Because sex tee hee. But there is no evidence to support that.

More likely you are just doing the old trope of calling everyone a pedophile to justify whatever nonsense you are trying to push.

A basic witch hunt.

My guess would be that the biggest factor in pedophiles pedophiling is opportunity not image.

So if a guy in a dress tells stories to kids and everyone is watching him like a hawk. He probably isnā€™t going to molest any kids. Regardless as to how sexy you personally find that guy.

Where literally any other role that leaves people alone with kids would be seen as a hazard regardless as to how pure that role is considered.

And unsurprisingly to look for information about who is likley to be a sex offender we go to criminologists not sex ed teachers. Because they are different fields.

In Australia the degree is in sexology. To become an accredited educator.

Which I donā€™t have of course.

But then none of you guys have one either. So there is that.

Are you disregarding, cultural sensitivity, that not all cultures, or nations, or States, have to be the same as yours?

That would be a violation of the basic principles, of human rights approaches, as directed by the United Nations, and most other human rights groups.

If we are not in Australia, why would we have the Australian degree, or required Australian credential, except by coincidence?

Regardless of that fact, you donā€™t have that Australian credential either, and you are Australian, in Australia, making bold statements to people in other nations, how their systems should work,

And you donā€™t have any of the relevant credentials, academic, practice, or otherwise, in your own culture, or Nation, or State, on this issue?

Are you just being ignorantly racist, and spreading hate, and division, as a troll in that case?

It seems like that might be the case.

I have played both the ball, and the court, and also the issue, in making this observation.

No. I did both. And quoted your post twice.The other one should be American.

The intama one.

In the intrests of not being discriminatory. Or disregarding cultural sensitivity.

So your accusations are unfounded.

Can you correct your spelling errors, so I can parse better?

I normally donā€™t mind about spelling errors,

But you last post was almost unintelligible, and not just for spelling reasons.

Who told you that humans are not, or more importantly should not be discriminatory.

We are meant to be, that is an evolutionary goodness.

That is different, than being discriminant in stupid manners, or non-useful manners.

Which bit didnā€™t you understand?

That whole post.

Regardless. I didnā€™t do the thing you said I did.

Which I would suggest is the important bit.

Another meaningless post.

Can you be specific, or are you not capable of being specific, in which case, Cheers, I guess?


So I quoted your post and replied with an American standard to become a certified sex educator.

Then I quoted it again with an Australian standard to become a certified sex educator.

Two posts. Two standards.

One American. One Australian.

You replied to the second post that I quoted. So if you look back there is another post done first that has the requirements to be a sex educator in America.

I specifically did not only post an Australian standard to do this.

Or this.

Those things didnā€™t happen. Because I did two posts. And quoted you both times.

Where, when, how was it relevant, which States accept that certification, by the way, you are Australian, and your track record, at discussing American issues, is dismal.

OK, that is valuable, from your area, for your area, no one elseā€™s, except Australians.
But is something you have better chance speaking to, and the rest of us, might find useful, or interesting.
Assuming you post correct things.
Not that you have a great track record, there.

You are so woefully unqualified to post about this, or speak about this, itā€™s hard to explain it to you, because of you, and the limitations of you.

Hard to explain it to me?

I just had to fart around explaining my posts to you. And I did that without being a little bitch about it.

I understand you point. I am not American.

I just think it is a stupid point. Based on ideology.and not effective thought.

Rabbit, did you flag my post, which is now hidden
Until mods can be bothered to review it
or was that Greg,
and which ever of you did so,
Why the idle mischief approach?
Or was that a fat finger mistake?
Which does happen, including to yours truly.

Who here has a been a little bitch, in your estimation?

Do you also lecture blacks about black culture, not being black?

Or lecture the Japanese, about Japanese local issues, and culture, not being Japanese?

I do not presume that I understand the Australian experience, because I am not Australian.

Even if I might have Google, and I might have watched Crocodile Dundee movies.

And I have traveled to 35 countries, and was a currency trader, including the Australian currency,

But I have never traveled to Australia, and I do not presume Google fu is a surrogate for boots on ground,

And I do not presume if I had a visit, that would be the same as longer residencies.

I am a practical man, that way.

Who counts rice and counts beans, but also fries my eggs, practically.

We are not discussing personal anecdotes of people we have been in contact with.

These are people we have never met in having issues we donā€™t have.

Would you lecture black people about being black? Just because you live in the same country?

Or more specifically what gay children should learn in sex ed class just because you live in the same country?

I wouldnā€™t presume to speak for these vulnerable children. Which is why I found the experts who do.

And when I did find people with real personal experience. You twisted that and called it bias.