Schools and Sexual content

OK, I got it, the article Gonzo posted?

In maine we are now here.

Hey 13 year old girl with body issues. Deal with this.

Got it, thanks.

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From the Gonzo posted:
"Lavigne would later learn that earlier in the year, without her knowledge, her daughter had been reassigned to a new social worker at Great Salt Bay Community School in Maine. This social worker, she learned, had been advising her daughter about gender transitioning. He had provided her daughter with the chest binder, telling the girl that he wouldn’t tell her mother, and she didn’t need to either. She also learned that school personnel had been involved in socially transitioning her daughter, referring to her by a new name and by male pronouns.

No one had bothered to notify Lavigne."

In my opinion, that the school did this without informing the parent is utter, unmitigated, garbage, and a violation of her parental and constitutional rights.

I’d be all over that shit if I were her, too. How on earth school officials can think it’s OK to start transitioning a child like that with no medical diagnosis, without parental consent, is beyond me.

No wonder people start thinking there is some sort of deeper/hidden agenda involved.

As for the girl, well, it’s not her fault, it’s the fault of the school system. She could have had parental support and privacy, but that got taken away from her.

It’s sad she has to be “dragged through this shit”, but nobody is to blame but the school officials who seem to think that they are surrogate parents.


I would not allow my child to seek counseling at school, under these circumstances.

There MIGHT be exceptions in the law to that, for example, reporting sexual abuse, or physical abuse by a parent.

It would be tricky.

But if my kid goes to a school counselor with psychological/emotional issues, I have a right to know about it, because I have to right to get other help for my child.

I disagree.

The parents are the parents, not the school, not other adults, not the State.

Unless the parents have been show guilty of serious abuse, they are the parents, and the ultimate responsible party for the child, until the child becomes an adult.


I agree with you, essentially.

Law/policy could probably be crafted for certain exceptions, but, if a kid is reporting sexual abuse at home, that should quickly become a law enforcement issue, or a CPS issue. Same with teachers observing kids who are dirty, dirty clothes, underfed, etc.

In the specific case at hand, the Mom has an absolute right to know what’s going on with her daughter.



My vote is, as a voter, that if a school counselor does this, they not only get penalized from their employer, but they face criminal charges.

There is a duty to inform the parent, and get parental consent.

Apparently not in Maine?

No fucking wonder people start seeing progressive LGBTQ+ hidden agendas all over the place.

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The school made it a public shit show?

I like balanced school board / university board of directors.
I want progressives present and conservatives present, too.

The child would have been better off had the parent never found out.

In the first place, that is speculative.

In the second place, it is inappropriate of the school, and it’s employees, not to fully disclose interactions with the child, to the parent, again only exceptions made for gross abuse by the parent, then, best under the order of a court, after due process.

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I have caught my kids school(s) employees committing gross errors and omission, and lying, on more than a few occasions.

With video evidence of same.

I have taken a confession they had my son sign, out of the hands of the Deputized, sworn, gun, badge, and hand cuff carrying school deputy’s hands, because they had him sign it with me not present, and then destroyed it front of him, and the assistant principle, after being threatened by that Deputy with arrest for taking it from him “as school property”.

Of course, the forced confession was repudiated by the video evidence.

Now, my kids have forever after refused to sign confessions without me present, on my instruction.

And, I don’t trust the schools or the school employees worth a fuck.

Don’t get me wrong, if my kid misbehaves, for real, the school officials have my permission to punish him, and I might punish him too, when he gets home, depending on the infraction.


Public schools are as corrupt and incompetent as any other government office or institution.

And the employees in them, just as prone to misbehavior, corruption, and incompetence, as any other government outfit.

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Fuck you jackass. You are the only saying fetch.

Give me the name of your gym you bitch ass poser.

You need some reality put into your skull.

You know, on the other hand, you could have had a V8.

You aren’t going to do anything lmao. You will sit in your cuck den, with your fan posters of your favorite pro athletes on the wall, and ask your wife for permission to buy another piece of sports memorabilia while being retarded on the internet.

I will turn your face into a Pollock painting.

You’re not going to do anything lmao You’ll reply to me again and again, and that’s all you will do.

Bitch ass mother fucker.