Ok, so Im not really a big drinker, but I do appreciate a great tasting drink. I’m wondering what poisons you guys would reccomend someone looking for some top quality drinks.
Im not particular about what type of booze it is. Mead, Vodka, Whiskey, Rum, Beer, Sake whatever it is you guys would recommend, Im willing to try anything so long as its good quality.
I’ve got quite a taste for Andechs and german beers if that’s a starting point. I frequently get told things like ‘The russians wouldnt clean their toilets with the vodka you brits serve’ and tales of the superiority of german beer. Wondered what this rabble would promote.
[QUOTE=kimjonghng;2986125]Ok, so Im not really a big drinker, but I do appreciate a great tasting drink. I’m wondering what poisons you guys would reccomend someone looking for some top quality drinks.
Im not particular about what type of booze it is. Mead, Vodka, Whiskey, Rum, Beer, Sake whatever it is you guys would recommend, Im willing to try anything so long as its good quality.
I’ve got quite a taste for Andechs and german beers if that’s a starting point. I frequently get told things like ‘The russians wouldnt clean their toilets with the vodka you brits serve’ and tales of the superiority of german beer. Wondered what this rabble would promote.[/QUOTE]
If you like German beer try Belgian. Leffe blond as a start but try and seek out some Tripel’s - very nice (although bastard strong)
Not sure what you can get American bourbon/whiskey/rye-wise in the U.K…
I like Knob Hill, Wild Turkey, just tried some Elijah Craig 94 proof bourbon and it’s tasty and about 10 bucks cheaper than other “barrel proof” bourbons.
Other names escape me at the moment…
German beer, let’s see…
Spaten Optimator
Spaten Fraziskaner (heifeweizen)
Really, all the Spaten beers are pretty darned good, depending on your taste preferences.
I’d think you could find some tasty ales in the UK at local pubs.
Johnny Walker Explorer’s Club: Royal Route(on par with blue label) & The Gold Route(on par with Johnny 18)
Johnny Walker Blue Label is The Finest Scotch I have ever tasted.
Johnny Walker :
A.Platinum or Johnny 18
D.Double Black
Dont drink Scotch lower than Johnny Black. If you must? I recommend store brand vodka by the Gallon and newspapers for blankets because you have no taste for life and there is no sense in faking it.
Johnny Walker Explorer’s Club: Royal Route(on par with blue label) & The Gold Route(on par with Johnny 18)
Johnny Walker Blue Label is The Finest Scotch I have ever tasted.
Johnny Walker :
A.Platinum or Johnny 18
D.Double Black
Dont drink Scotch lower than Johnny Black. If you must? I recommend store brand vodka by the Gallon and newspapers for blankets because you have no taste for life and there is no sense in faking it.
Cigar City Maduro
Cigar City Florida Cracker
Cigar City cucumber Saison[/QUOTE]
When I was an infant I suffered from colic. My father told my mother to give me a hot toddy https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/hot-toddy-233821
My mother was horrified. She knew nothing about liquor. Called the pediatrician. Said to give me a hot toddy. Mom, ignorant of the recipe, threw in the whiskey and honey. Didn’t know to add water. Per her, I sucked that bottle like a foal right out of the womb. Threw my arms and legs out and passed out. She was mortified. Just knew she’d killed me.
Fast forward close to six decades later. I am convinced the woman is responsible for my love of whiskey/whisky. I’ve quit the other drugs.
Don’t listen to Rayce. He’s a neophyte. I’ve been drinking since 1960 and still have half of my brain function.
Tito’s is my default vodka, but I have no idea if he exports it overseas. It’s distilled in Austin. I have sat with Tito himself, sipping his brand on his porch. He’s a cool dude. Got into a little trouble for dumping his waste into a local creek a few years ago though.
Bombay Sapphire gin is my default gin. One of the only flavored liquors I like is Hendricks Gin.
[QUOTE=jnp;2986424]Tito’s is my default vodka, but I have no idea if he exports it overseas. It’s distilled in Austin. I have sat with Tito himself, sipping his brand on his porch. He’s a cool dude. Got into a little trouble for dumping his waste into a local creek a few years ago though.
Bombay Sapphire gin is my default gin. One of the only flavored liquor’s I like is Hendricks Gin.[/QUOTE]
That was an up vote gone wrong. Tito’s is good stuff.
If you can get your hands on good bourbon, I really like an old-fashioned. There’s lots of ways people make them, but I mix up a quarter-teaspoon of sugar, a half-teaspoon of water and 5 or 6 dashes of Angostura bitters. Then I take a good-sized bit of orange peel and twist it in my fingers to get the flavour out. Add 2 oz of good bourbon (Woodford Reserve, Maker’s Mark, Bulleit are good enough - you can get pricier if you like), and some ice, preferable a single over-sized cube.
As far as scotch goes, JW Blue is indeed excellent for a blend but very pricey. JW Black is barely drinkable. For heavy peat/smoke I like Lagavulin or Talisker. For smooth drinking, Oban or MacAllan. The Japanese whiskys are excellent these days. If you can find it, nab a bottle of Suntory Hibiki.
I dig a Sazerac, which is similar. Rye with a touch of absinthe and a few drops of bitters and a sugar cube. I like mine shaken and served in a martini glass.
PS: As I live alone, I don’t keep alcoholics in my house, although I happily drink with friends or relatives. I add this line because I’m an annoying moralistic guy.
[QUOTE=AcerTempest;2986512]This is excellent advice that I will second.
In addition to this, I recommend Glenmorangie 18 year old if you can find it near you.[/QUOTE]
Except who finds Oban peaty? I like the Glenmorangie finished in a Port cask, called Quinta Rubana. It’s like a dessert scotch.
[QUOTE=NeilG;2986516]Except who finds Oban peaty? I like the Glenmorangie finished in a Port cask, called Quinta Rubana. It’s like a dessert scotch.[/QUOTE]
That is my bad. When I saw I had it as peaty it was too late to edit. Quinta Rubana is good stuff. Been awhile.