Presidential Election 2024 MEME THREAD

Let’s go boys, post your best and/or worst election memes, so figure generations will not make the mistake of nostalgia.

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So for people reading this in the year 2064:

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I worked extra hard on this one.

A little extra sunburnt, but I’ll be ok.


People think this man is smart. Yes, I verified he actually tweeted that.

I forget where I brought it up before but this is just one verbatim quote.

“There really is no significant racism in the United States today. That narrative is really in direct conflict with looking at the facts; and facts come into conflict with their worldview.”

Wow, ok dumbass. I don’t know how anyone who has any grasp on race in this country can say that with a straight face, but I’m reminded that he’s really just a younger version of Mark Levin, the same guy who famously said Barack Obama

“was a failure, a liar, and a ‘statist’ who is trying to destroy individual freedom”.

Ha, that old individual freedom that stops at a women’s uterus?

Fuck em, their only contribution to society is to be as annoying as possible.

These IDW guys believe they are the new intelligentsia, but they’re really just horribly confused people who live in some sort of psychopolitical bubble universe.

Professional reactionaries have one purpose, and that’s to be as self-important as possible in front of a microphone, because they “saw the light” and moved from one part of the political spectrum to another.

Remember when it was Milo Yiannopoulos who was the flag bearer for this sort of shit? But he didn’t have the beard or coifed hair and was a little too open about shagging young men.

Rubin thinks Rand Paul is awesome. That’s all you really need to know.

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Isn’t the market still well above what it was under Trump, even with the crash? That’s not a good reflection on Trump’s economy.

Bro seriously ?
Since when has the expectation that memes contain truthfulness and accuracy been a thing? :rofl:

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