President, Vice President, And Even The Original Prosecutor Can't Save Him Now - Jussie Smollett

lol, that was actually my first comment but I edited it before sending it live

Low hanging fruit, man…

With the absolute mountain of evidence to convict him on display, this fucking race baiting cock smoker (and I mean that in the derogatory sense, not because he is gay) is still acting like he is innocent.

Normally when I’m glad to see someone go to jail, I’m usually happy because I know they’re going to get their arse prolapsed, but in this case I am sure he’d be into it.

Anyway, he’s already setting up his “I was attacked in prison by white supremacy” storyline:

“And I am not suicidal. And if anything happens to me when I go in there, I did not do it to myself. And you must all know that.”

Before doing the black power fist and claiming his innocence on his way out of the courtroom.

This cunt infuriates me no end.

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Judge :
“ There’s a side of you that has this arrogance, and selfishness and narcissism that’s just disgraceful," the judge said. “You’re not a victim of a racial hate crime, you’re not a victim of a homophobic hate crime. You’re just a charlatan pretending to be a victim of a hate crime, and that’s shameful.”

He’s got serious mental issues to still be trying to obtain victim status .

He absolutely is going to attempt suicide in there most likely by hanging .

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Lynching by self, thwarted attempt or a “cry for help”? He’ll come out the same self serving sack of shit he went in. Maybe with hopes of a movie.

The Jussie Smollett Story.

Hmmmm. Who to play Smollett?

Yeah, the emphasis on “I AM NOT SUICIDAL!” is telling. He thinks he is in some sort of soap opera and he’s setting up a cliffhanger.

We’re all witnessing a below average intellect who thinks he is a genius and is so incredulous that nobody else is taken by his genius, that he doubles down.


Nah, they do that in jail. Sometimes they even force you to sign suicide statements against your will.

I’m sure he’ll make a lovely wife for someone

Hopefully a white guy.

Chicago DA is now basically defending him. She should have been up for disbarment proceedings.

He’s a narcissist surrounded and supported by the same. Go figure. I bet he has totally convince himself he is “not guilty” beyond a reasonable doubt.

Saw some chick on one of those shrieking harpy all female panel shows actually say that he should have been let go because he did nothing wrong because of American history. She needs to be locked up too