People are perving on my horse. D:

I need to get this horror out of my system. Aren’t you the lucky ones, Bullshido?

So I have this horse, named Solomon.

He is ancient- 29 years old.

He is also a rather silly horse.

I rescued him from some meth addicts who were running a fake rescue. Basically they had starving horses, which people felt sorry for, and they always claimed the horses “just got there,” and that they needed money for food so they could nurse the horses back to health. Well, donations went into their veins and 7 horses died in one year in that hellish place. The local vet just called it “horse hell,” in fact.

Anyway, Solly up there helped me learn to walk again after my back injury. I was on a bullet train to suicideville because I was in so much pain and didn’t think I’d ever be able to do more than limp about 10 feet at a time again, so in a way he saved my life, and I figured I owed him one, so I saved his.

So I ended up with a horse, without knowing a lot about how to work with a horse. He had all of his needs taken care of, which was a bear because he’d been badly neglected. Eventually I found my horsemanship mentor, who taught me how to work with horses, and I started taking videos and posting them on YouTube so I could put them on my horsemanship blog.

One day I worked with Solomon on standing at the mounting block. I got him to the point where he would stand nice and still even if I moved 30 feet away, so long as I gave him the order to stay. This was a big accomplishment because when I first got him he would wing out and evade the block like crazy. So, I took a video.

Well he’s a horse. I don’t know when he was gelded, maybe it was when he was young, maybe it was later in life, but when he’s relaxed, he drops. When he’s relaxed and happy, well, he does what male horses do, which is whacking his willy against his belly. It’s disconcerting/horrifying the first time or two you see it, but you get over it and ignore it after a while. Whatever, he’s a horse.

Anyway he was relaxed and happy that day, which was evident in the video. I posted the video because of the progress he made. I figured I’d get a joke or two… but no, oh no… I am not a naive person, but I had no idea how MANY horse pervs were out there. Somehow one of them found my video and I guess he suggested other videos and now it’s linked to a bunch of horse cock videos. Oh my gods why is this shit on YouTube. I had to make the video private for fear of someone figuring out where he is pastured and raping him.

Yes, that actually happens to horses. Way WAAAAY more often than it should.

No seriously WHAT THE FUCK there are apparently a shitton of people who pull their puds to horse cock videos. OH GODS WHY.

And horse rape is a big enough problem that horse people will form bands and patrol pastures if there’s a problem in their area. We had an incident in Santa Cruz last year, in fact. Poor mares.

There’s this little phrase you may hear out in the country- SSS. Means “shoot, shovel, and shut up.”

Jesus fuck, what the hell is wrong with people?

Now, in a lot of ways I’m what you would call a liberal, but I do believe in the right to bear arms, and I also believe that some people lose their privilege to be a part of the human race. Child molesters, horse rapists, serial killers, people like that? I think they just need to be put down.

What do you think? SSS, or some sorta “social reform” program. Is horse raping even something that a person can be cured of?

is it a sexy horse?

Not in my opinion, because WHAT THE FUCK.

You really have to form posses to stop people raping your horses?


will you kill me if i cheekily suggest putting a “rapeX” anti-rape condom on the horse? :stuck_out_tongue:

Surely its quite difficult to rape a horse?

Given that to do it you’d have to get right in the firing line of the back hooves which can stave your head in with one kick.

[QUOTE=judoka_uk;2593066]Surely its quite difficult to rape a horse?

Given that to do it you’d have to get right in the firing line of the back hooves which can stave your head in with one kick.[/QUOTE]

god damn, now i’m wondering if there are online guides to raping horses. i am NOT going to google that, though…

[QUOTE=judoka_uk;2593066]Surely its quite difficult to rape a horse?

Given that to do it you’d have to get right in the firing line of the back hooves which can stave your head in with one kick.[/QUOTE]

Well logically, the horse must like it, the little tease.

I had never heard of horse raping until now. This has to be the most random thread I have ever seen on Bullshido.

[QUOTE=Syphilis;2593017]is it a sexy horse?[/QUOTE]

It’s got a nice mouth.

Nt[QUOTE=Fish Of Doom;2593067]god damn, now i’m wondering if there are online guides to raping horses. i am NOT going to google that, though…[/QUOTE]

I did.
I did not find any real information on horse rape.
I did come across this gem though.

PS. The one story I did find on the subject involved a shetland pony that weighed about 120 lbs.
Still don’t see how this is possible with a full size horse.

The only case of it I’ve ever heard of was the guy who shot a horse so that he might fuck it. I thought that it was an isolated case.

He was later in trouble for fucking a deer corpse.

I’m pretty liberal too - but when I hear about things like this, the thought ‘does society need people like this?’ comes to mind.


Linked story. Man seen having sex with 4/5 day old dog corpse.



Yeah, occasionally we do.

They tie the horse up, and hobble it. They take advantage of horses that are trusting and well-trained. If the horse is hobbled, they can’t really kick so much. Some of them end up really traumatized. And sometimes the bastards who do it use objects too. I’ve known eh, three people who have had it happen. All mares, but it happens to geldings and stallions too. :frowning:

I’m pretty riled up, that horse is like my kid.

As someone with some experience with caring for and riding horses, I can safely say that anywhere near the posterior region of a large upset or agitated horse is not a safe place.

I’ve been kicked by a Belgian thoroughbred while cleaning hooves. Next to the time I broke my arm (which happened getting knocked off a completely different horse), nothing I’ve experienced in life has been more physically painful.

I’d imagine most idiots trying to fuck a (living) horse would end up in the ER before they could even get started.




This ranks right up there with watching the donkey show in TJ and knowing someone who bought an inflatable sheep for sex.

A colleague of mine when I was in the police ended up arresting a guy for having sex with a dog. Caught him shagging a collie in the back of his car in a local beauty spot. I’m afraid it does happen and there are some pretty sick people out there.

[QUOTE=AMF;2593146]This ranks right up there with watching the donkey show in TJ and knowing someone who bought an inflatable sheep for sex.[/QUOTE]

What else is one supposed to do with an inflatable sheep?

A story I was once told by a guy I worked with - which, granted, I wasn’t sure whether to believe or not when I first heard it (sometimes people make up sick stories for the sake of having a sick story to tell to a roomful of people), involved someone raping a piglet on their very first day of employment at a pig farm. Then getting beaten up when caught in the act.

[QUOTE=Larus marinus;2593149]What else is one supposed to do with an inflatable sheep?

A story I was once told by a guy I worked with - which, granted, I wasn’t sure whether to believe or not when I first heard it (sometimes people make up sick stories for the sake of having a sick story to tell to a roomful of people), involved someone raping a piglet on their very first day of employment at a pig farm. Then getting beaten up when caught in the act.[/QUOTE]

Blimey - is that what you do up in Penrith?