Pathetic Squabbling

What the hell is wrong with this forum? Either there’s been a huge influx of idiots or the mods are not doing their job. Arguements about who’s the fattest on the forum!? When did that become acceptable? Endless trolling by some members with nothing done, but other members getting fucked around…dumb.

Where does this stem from? Has “Supporting Member” begun to mean “Able to Troll At Will”? Or is it something else?

What the hell is wrong with this place?

I agree with you, somethin is up. All of the relievent topics are gone, resulted to petty name calling and poking fun. Just look through Trollshido.

Bullshido is in a growing stage. We also have 3 ongoing investigations (in closed off forums, which is partly why you may not think anything is going on)

I Choke You, no offence meant (I have a lot of respect for the people who brought bullshido into being), but are you familiar with how bullshido has operated in recent times? as close as possible to freedom of speech, and it seems many very accomplished martial artists like it that way (I have never seen a MA forum with more collective knowledge, or as clear a goal), yes there are threads that go ‘over the top’, but thats just a side effect of people being allowed to get things off their chest in an unrestricted manour, sometimes its bullshit, sometimes its insight.

I vote for influx of idiots. . .however, a case can be made for being up past your bedtime, physically and mentally drained because of work/school, plus training causing brain-fart-itis, defensive rhetoric, chronic disrespect, and general silliness. Still, I vote for, “Influx of Idiots!”


Brandei, I’ll check that out, since I think I do have access to all the sections.

EDIT: Apparently I don’t anymore, yay for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Manchuria, open discussion=good…arguements about obesity=WTF!?

Originally posted by Meex
I vote for influx of idiots. . .however, a case can be made for being up past your bedtime, physically and mentally drained because of work/school, plus training causing brain-fart-itis, defensive rhetoric, chronic disrespect, and general silliness. Still, I vote for, “Influx of Idiots!”

`~/ [/B]


It seems ok…but there is definitely room for improvement.

I see where you’re coming from Choke. A lot of it goes back to our not wanting to delete anything because we still remember our roots and why you, me, PD, etc started this place. As long as the stupid, pointless bickering is limited to Trollshido, I don’t see it being much of a problem.

GEEE A smart sexy ADMIN mentioned that pple take our loose moderation for granted. Bullshido was meant to let pple speak their mind ABOUT BS IN THE MARTIAL ARTS!!! Not the freedom to let any and every stupid thing they think take up bandwidth. I took the first steps to stopping this by sending it to TROLLSHIDO were it belongs (note: didn’t delete didnt censor just moved it out the way) and I get whining about SIN BIN (which I didn’t even now what the FUCK that was) and this turning into MAP.


You fucker than GOD for BOOZE!!! If it wasn’t for that I would be coming to find you to kick you sorry asses to get out my fustrations!!!

OK I’m done anyone need me I will be the guy passed out in a pink tutu!

Make it Purple. Yeah thats better!

We also have 3 ongoing investigations

Bannon, Franco, and… What’s the third?

Isnt that what trollshido is for??

Asia rocks. Specially when he drinks. Then he rocks and rocks and rocks and…falls.

Yeah, all that trolling that’s going on… and then we have people wandering in trying to tell us how awesome faschism is, and recommending that someone else be banned… sheesh.

Originally posted by Hawkeye


Originally posted by WingChun Lawyer

lickle slow mayhap?

He was slurring the word “word”. It’s slang.

Originally posted by JKDChick
He was slurring the word “word”. It’s slang.

Goddamn wiggers thinking they’re from the South.

Originally posted by JKDChick
He was slurring the word “word”. It’s slang.

Ah, thanks. Ignorant foreigner here.

I prefer clarity to coolness; therefore, I prefer the way you post.

I just wish I could keep the “idiot” out of the stuff I type sometimes.