November 2006 "Taekwondo Sucks" Month!


My bad. Back to Newbietown…

TKD doesn’t suck!!!

TKD not sucking

All demo teams suck, and TKD is riddled with 'em. Demo teams are about as manly as rhythmic gymnastics. McDojangs suck, regardless of the style. Weak, greedy, lazy teachers suck. TKD sucks when it stops being a fighting system and turns into a LARP. All the shitty MMA schools that will surely pop up as UFC continues to blow up are gonna suck, too. Now I’m depressed.

All styles have Mc schools. The more popular they are the more they have. BJJ will have a lot in a few years. TKD has a lot now. TKD sucks because 9 year olds have black belts in it

TKD sucks because it’s considered acceptable form to fall on your ass after kicking someone.

what time of the year does steve segal suk

how about every month

American. Thank you for being awesome and not saying “The american version is shit compared to the original.”

Your psychic abilities are astounding.

Judging by the NBC logo in one of the GIF’s, I’d say the US version.

Oh, and because this thread is useless without videos…

[LEFT]<iframe src=“” style=“border: medium none ; margin: 0px; width: 320px; height: 256px;” marginwidth=“0” marginheight=“0” id=“iwe9o8vrovr0akkd0dmrb5n3g18x4uj2yk6qwfg8o” frameborder=“0” height=“256” scrolling=“no” width=“320”>Dailymotion blogged video</iframe>
Video sent by Dynared

According to this video the key to self defence is to use practical and effective techniques, without hesitation. We all know TKD is chock-full of effective techniques. The sparring on the video looked good too, the techniques were so fast I couldn’t see them landing on the opponent - it almost looked like they were being pulled back in mid air.

Did she say four year old blackbelt??

No. Why? Because of competition. I mean full-contact competition. You will hardly ever have mcschools in arts like boxing, muay thai or BJJ because if you want to produce good fighters that can win fighters you’ve gotta train them right, or else you can say goodbye to your school.

Serkan Yilmaz “In Turkey, we block low kicks with legs”.

That can win fights I mean.

He must mean with the thighs, judging from the fights I’ve seen of his.


Taekwondo again

One more serkan highlight

So that’s why your post count keeps being reset.

Serkan is great to watch, but he’s pretty much the only one who’s getting out there and fighting like that in full contact. The porblem with TKD is that Serkan is almost unique. Plus he does kick boxing too, which I guess explains why he keeps his hands up a bit more than most TKD guys.

Well, aren’t thighs part of your legs? But you’re right I should have said thighs, as shins are also part of the legs.