November 2006 "Taekwondo Sucks" Month!

It’s from a TV show called The Office.

XMA - When you just absolutely have to do two full aerial rotations before kicking someone…for an audience.

Phrost, can I request an XMA sucks month or is it not even worthy of the effort that would take?

Don’t risk it, if you were to get Carpal Tunnel in the process of typing about it, then XMA will surely have won.

The theme for the month is decided on by the Supporting Members in the “Black Belt Club” forum.


A guy reading a story on the radio, trying to describe something that was out of place:

“It’s like that Tae Kwon Do place in the shopping center, nobody knows why it’s there, it just is.”


Every other month could be mma and krav maga sucks? I think making fun about other styles is like making a hole into a condom to get a better orgasm. IT SUCKS ASS!

Please make this your last post here ever.

You guys really think that youre discipline is better than the rest and the rest sucks deep? If you are trying to get your penis longer with this bullshit then ok! I think you are bullshido there is ni bushido in this particular topic and the attitudes in your posts. LETS RIP ON THE OTHER ONES, WUHUU ! WE are the true warriors the other ones suck! If you say aikido sucks, TKD sucks why can’t i say mma sucks? AMERICA and its democratic ways? If thats american democracy then this forum is no better the the soviet union or north korea! I have nothing against mma i have something against these guys who think everything else sucks ! You haven’t probably even seen whats else you just sit in your boxes and watch youtube videos ! Awesome going! THank you!

First off, don’t ever compare Bullshido to North Korea.

Secondly, do you lack the ability understand irony, sarcasm, or just not have a sense of humor what so ever?


Do you lack of brain capacity? I think making fun is good but making fun of these things isn’t why don’t we make fun about youre mom? would it be fun? why don’t we make fun about christianity? Why don’t we make fun about america ? ohh sorry we do make fun about america ! but ripping on the things that are important and help people is not OK! DO think maybe that tkd keeps kids off drugs maybe it gives somebody a job maybe it gives people a good health and a ability to protect them selves and maybe it gives meaning to life for someone! ?

Dude, go away, quit wasting our time and yours. You’re not going to convince anyone here with your arguments.

In fact, most of us will quickly come to the conclusion that you’re an idiot and a waste of time.


The American or British version? Both are fucking hilarious.

YOur all the same f*ckn rednecks! And you will always be no wonder why you would get beaten up by a real master who doesn’t underestimate other disciplines! SO FUCK YOU GUYS ! AND THANKS FOR YOUR FUCKN TIME REDNECKS GO TO YOUR TRAILERS AND START BEATING OFF WHILE WATCHING amateur TKD guys GET THEIR ASS KICKED IN YOUTUBE! SO LONG AND GOOD LUCK WITH THE BULLSHIDOING ! KIm Il-Jong would be happy to recruit rednecks like you to his liberal country ohh it is very much like america has nuclear weapons and a dictator that ![URL=“”]


Who the fuck is Kim Il-Jong?

Are you taking your ball with you?

The dyslexic clone of the north korean dictator…

Aren’t they doing karate in that episode of the office?

[quote=DerAuslander108]Who the fuck is Kim Il-Jong?

Usually written “Kim Johg-Il”; current dictator of N. Korea, son of dead dictator Kim Il-Sung. I don’t know why I replied to this…

I have this vague sense that DerAuslander may know who the dictator of N Korea is…