Nothing up my sleeve......presto

So your reason for being an utter cunt to trans people that do other shit you don’t like is spite? You’re a real shithead.

Also the way you format your posts is a hate crime against my eyes.

[QUOTE=ghost55;3033077]So your reason for being an utter cunt to trans people that do other shit you don’t like is spite? You’re a real shithead.[/QUOTE]
No, Silly Goose,

Promising transgender people that they can actually change their biological sex type is a false promise.

And compelling other people by threat of legal or employment consequence to affirm that false narrative, particularly, medical professionals and scientists, is to compel them to lie.

Further, using those preferred pronouns those ways in a medical chart, or medical environments, is going to exponentially raise the risk of medical errors for those patients.

Not only that, it is going to cause data errors of significant consequence for aggregate epidemiology reporting and prevention, and outcome tracking.

We already have problems because most of the therapies and medical devices tend to be over tested on certain populations (ie, white men).

We have just gotten to the point where we have collected enough data to make specific prosthetics for women regarding knees, etc, which the women need, and tracking drug outcomes more specifically in long term registries.

This is the process that not only produces better prosthetic joints, but heart therapies, cancer cures, you name it.

This is going to cause consequences because transgender women, are medically men, often with high dose of female hormone treatment, and some cosmetic surgeries.

If they are reported or self report as women in the data collection, this creates huge and misleading results reporting in the aggregate, that is used to make very real decisions with in the aggregate that have real patient outcome consequences,

but also will increase medical errors for the individual transgender patients significantly.

[QUOTE=ghost55;3033077]So your reason for being an utter cunt to trans people that do other shit you don’t like is spite? You’re a real shithead.[/QUOTE]

See, I mentioned this earlier, and I’m still not getting where he’s being derogatory towards trans people. Can you please point it out? I think this is more of a misunderstanding than anything else.

[QUOTE=Dr. Gonzo;3033067]Fine, I’ll call you a Salamander.

But, I would advise you that nothing can take a pounding and keep trying to fuck you up back quite like a pussy.

A pussy may be the toughest thing ever invented.

What happens during childbirth alone…[/QUOTE]

Like a pig’s nose, never wears out.

[QUOTE=submessenger;3033080]See, I mentioned this earlier, and I’m still not getting where he’s being derogatory towards trans people. Can you please point it out? I think this is more of a misunderstanding than anything else.[/QUOTE]

His constant refusal to respect the gender identities of people that do other shit he doesn’t like. This is a pattern. Bring up Chelsea Manning and watch him repeatedly refer to her as “Bradley” and “him.”

[QUOTE=submessenger;3033080]See, I mentioned this earlier, and I’m still not getting where he’s being derogatory towards trans people. Can you please point it out? I think this is more of a misunderstanding than anything else.[/QUOTE]
Research professionals who work with statistics,

particularly medical statistics, are often cruel sounding, or cold sounding.

Alan Turing like, in fact. That is the business, and it is necessary.

Much like when my oncologist told me that he deliberately and irreversibly crippled my legs.

I immediately thanked him for doing so.

Because I had made myself aware, previously, of the various statistics related to my diagnosis, treatment approaches, and treatment outcomes.

[QUOTE=ghost55;3033082]His constant refusal to respect the gender identities of people that do other shit he doesn’t like. This is a pattern. Bring up Chelsea Manning and watch him repeatedly refer to her as “Bradley” and “him.”[/QUOTE]

Chelsea Manning did not do anything treasonous, but Bradley Manning did.

Caitlyn Jenner never won Olympic gold, either.

It’s not disrespectful to point that out.

[QUOTE=ghost55;3033082]His constant refusal to respect the gender identities of people that do other shit he doesn’t like. This is a pattern. Bring up Chelsea Manning and watch him repeatedly refer to her as “Bradley” and “him.”[/QUOTE]
You are correct that I consider Bradley Manning a traitor who put US human assets at gross risk with indiscriminate intelligence leaks.

I think he should have been found guilty as a traitor for doing so, and executed by the State for same.

I therefore refuse to comply with his preference to not be called the pronoun associated with his actual biological sex type.

But, I often honor this request for people claiming transgender status who are not mass killers, traitors, pedophiles, rapists,

and that are not claiming transgender status, especially while using PEDs, to say that they have the right to compete in the opposite biological sex type competition divisions of sporting events without the full uncompelled consent to same of everyone else in the division.

Further, I do not believe that any inmate should get body image enhancing hormone treatments, or body image enhancing cosmetic treatments, while incarcerated, paid for by tax dollars, whether they claim transgender status or not.

Otherwise, all inmates would like steroid treatments while incarcerated to enhance their body image.

Everybody has to draw a line somewhere regarding what positions they are willing to take, or not take, with these complicated issues.

[QUOTE=lant3rn;3033059]If I feel like it can I be a different species?[/QUOTE]


[QUOTE=Dr. Gonzo;3033079]No, Silly Goose,

Promising transgender people that they can actually change their biological sex type is a false promise.

And compelling other people by threat of legal or employment consequence to affirm that false narrative, particularly, medical professionals and scientists, is to compel them to lie.

Further, using those preferred pronouns those ways in a medical chart, or medical environments, is going to exponentially raise the risk of medical errors for those patients.

Not only that, it is going to cause data errors of significant consequence for aggregate epidemiology reporting and prevention, and outcome tracking.

We already have problems because most of the therapies and medical devices tend to be over tested on certain populations (ie, white men).

We have just gotten to the point where we have collected enough data to make specific prosthetics for women regarding knees, etc, which the women need, and tracking drug outcomes more specifically in long term registries.

This is the process that not only produces better prosthetic joints, but heart therapies, cancer cures, you name it.

This is going to cause consequences because transgender women, are medically men, often with high dose of female hormone treatment, and some cosmetic surgeries.

If they are reported or self report as women in the data collection, this creates huge and misleading results reporting in the aggregate, that is used to make very real decisions with in the aggregate that have real patient outcome consequences,

but also will increase medical errors for the individual transgender patients significantly.[/QUOTE]
My wife complains about this. She works at the best hospital in FL and they will put sex down as “female”… when they mean gender. Gender can change. Sex can not.

Either way its not good and could be potentially catastrophic.


What are you woooshing?

You pulled a Lily and did not specify what you were replying to.

[QUOTE=Dr. Gonzo;3033085]You are correct that I consider Bradley Manning a traitor who put US human assets at gross risk with indiscriminate intelligence leaks.

I think he should have been found guilty as a traitor for doing so, and executed by the State for same.

I therefore refuse to comply with his preference to not be called the pronoun associated with his actual biological sex type.

But, I often honor this request for people claiming transgender status who are not mass killers, traitors, pedophiles, rapists,

and that are not claiming transgender status, especially while using PEDs, to say that they have the right to compete in the opposite biological sex type competition divisions of sporting events without the full uncompelled consent to same of everyone else in the division.

Further, I do not believe that any inmate should get body image enhancing hormone treatments, or body image enhancing cosmetic treatments, while incarcerated, paid for by tax dollars, whether they claim transgender status or not.

Otherwise, all inmates would like steroid treatments while incarcerated to enhance their body image.

Everybody has to draw a line somewhere regarding what positions they are willing to take, or not take, with these complicated issues.[/QUOTE]
And I can promise you that the entire fucking trans community would think you were a shithead if you told them that. You aren’t getting it. You really, really aren’t. Or you’re being deliberately obtuse because you just don’t give a fuck and are comfortable being such a twat because you view certain people as sub-human and beneath you. People like you make the world a worse place and are too smug to understand that fact. I’m just glad that you didn’t have any trans kids, because would have probably pushed them to suicide at this point

[QUOTE=Dr. Gonzo;3033090]What are you woooshing?

You pulled a Lily and did not specify what you were replying to.[/QUOTE]

You. Sub. Both. Either. Pick one. You twat.

[QUOTE=ghost55;3033091]And I can promise you that the entire fucking trans community would think you were a shithead if you told them that. [/QUOTE]
People disagree sometimes.

I am comfortable disagreeing with other people as the need arises.
[QUOTE=ghost55;3033091]because you view certain people as sub-human and beneath you. [/QUOTE]
I do not view the Trans population as sub-human, nor any other human as beneath me.

I’m just glad that you didn’t have any trans kids, because would have probably pushed them to suicide at this point[/QUOTE]
Over 70% of the successful suicides in the United States are committed by straight, white, males.

The trans population has a greatly elevated percentage of reporting suicidal ideations or self-reporting that they had tried unsuccessfully to commit suicide,

but the demographic that commits the overwhelming majority of successful suicides year after year in the United States are straight, white, males,

who ironically or perhaps not, often have the lowest rates of reporting suicidal ideations of any demographic as well.

Only Native American males have a greater percentage rate of successful suicides in the U.S. than straight, white, males.

So, if you are worried that your kid might state they frequently have suicidal ideations, then being trans is a risk factor regarding being disposed to make that self-report.

If you are worried that your child might actually successfully kill themselves at some point, then being a straight, white, male who is not comfortable talking about their feelings is the risk factor that you really need to be worried about.

[QUOTE=ghost55;3033092]You. Sub. Both. Either. Pick one. You twat.[/QUOTE]
Ghost, one cannot claim to be an advocate of the transgender community,

while being an advocate of making false medical promises to the transgender community,

or willing to put them at further risk regarding their medical care, for political correctness sake.

When researchers are conducting or relying on medical studies, or epidemiology studies,

the transgender population retains the risk characteristics of their non-transitioned gender for the most part when it comes to cancer, heart attack, and every genetic disease, what type of orthopedic knee to put in them for knee replacements etc.

And capturing their biological sex type accurately is necessary to avoid epidemiology data gaps.

And in many cases, the transgender community is not really well educated that many transgender folks who get sex reassignment surgery still have the same depression and anxiety and substance abuse issues they had before the surgery.

So, you may advocate for the transgender community your way, and I shall do so my way.

40% of trans people successfully commit suicide. Of course they aren’t the majority of suicide victims, they’re .5% of the population.

[QUOTE=Dr. Gonzo;3033095]Ghost, one cannot claim to be an advocate of the transgender community,

while being an advocate of making false medical promises to the transgender community,

or willing to put them at further risk regarding their medical care, for political correctness sake.

When researchers are conducting or relying on medical studies, or epidemiology studies,

the transgender population retains the risk characteristics of their non-transitioned gender for the most part when it comes to cancer, heart attack, and every genetic disease, what type of orthopedic knee to put in them for knee replacements etc.

And capturing their biological sex type accurately is necessary to avoid epidemiology data gaps.

And in many cases, the transgender community is not really well educated that many transgender folks who get sex reassignment surgery still have the same depression and anxiety and substance abuse issues they had before the surgery.

So, you may advocate for the transgender community your way, and I shall do so my way.[/QUOTE]

You’re advocating against people because you seem to know what you think you know what is best for people experience something that you never have and never will, and make those judgments with a total inability to understand the context that you are missing. If you can mental gymnastics your way into believing that you actually mean well you’re even more delusional than I thought.


They are not the same person. In fact, that is more respectful of them; they have changed their names and physical identities, presumably to divorce who they are now from what they were before. Especially, I think, in Manning’s case. So, no, it’s not over my head. I’m being respectful.

Or, maybe you think we should go back and change all the headlines and news stories and features about these individuals? Maybe 'shop in some female attributes to their past photos and videos? That seems like the grandest fakery there could be.

Trump would be all up in that shit, for sure. “The Donald did some bad stuff, but I’m Ariel Trump. See? I’ve got the breasts and the fish tail and everything.”