Ninja Wilderness Survival

I’ve just started reading a history of the Samurai

I’m only on the 10th century so far, but I’ll let you know

Netflix has an interesting series on history of Japan.

You probably don’t have anything to watch it on, though.

Historically a number of samurai were ninja, despite the popular myth they were opposing factions. So now these guys can pretend to be both ninjas and samurai at the same time, as well as claiming they are one and the same and totally different by pretending so?

Does it make sense? Yes and no, but only if you pretend

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1939, in New York, by a woman who later inspired the Japanese cosplay craze in the 1980s anime boom.

I know more about ninjas than Kung Fu.

I’ve got to say, the Booj sure fucked things up.

Having read all of Hatsumi’s books (some of which aren’t that bad), I think I know why.

It’s also why I got banned from MAP. Some places you just don’t mess with the local ninja cosplayers.

Hatsumi isn’t exactly a wellspring of reliable information. Neither is Mr. A Cummins if you’ve ever read his drivel. He moved on to Vikings and claims of Captain America style shield frisbee attacks.


I’m repurposing this thread as a general Camp craft/survival skills thread


When was the last time you built a basher?

They are called hoochies and about ten years ago.

I can’t spell bivawack

Probably ten years for me, to

Too long!

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Incredible! Is there anything you don’t know about?

I’ve read all of it, and watched all the videos.

Hatsumi being much older relied on books and written word but was and still is heavy with the shinobesque (word I made up but funny because it’s true).

Cummins has far, far greater clout with the historical study of medieval Japan, even National Geographic ties and History Channel coverage, and is a bit more of an amateur historical researcher, but fails at the whole emersion bias thing by learning culture through participation rather than observation, like most scholars.

That same lack of objectivity also taints the “research” done by some other major x-Kan figures I won’t bother going into, other than to say yeah grave markers and old scrolls are not the fountains of knowledge ninjers often claim they are. Most are just confirmation bias relics being retconned into the modern era.

Takamatsu rolls in grave.

Making ultra fine risotto creamy enough, on the first attempt.

Assuming you mean a Chindit style basha, 2019.

It’s a good way to keep your drone dry at 6000ft.

No pics?

Drone pics? I’ve got plenty. JPG doesn’t do this one justice, the real one is in 4K.

This one is nice BW in high res.

The Devil’s Slide, Cinnabar Mountain Montana. I went to the other side of that, which is no man’s land, but the shots weren’t nearly as interesting.

Candy Ann flew right up that canyon, I have full flight runtime video between takeoff and landing. I’ll have to find a good way to embed it.

Color shot. You can get a sense of how huge this is, those are fully grown evergreens. This is about 100 feet altitude.

Of the basha

No, but here’s a big mushroom I found. About the size of a softball.

Even if inedible, it would probably make a great Ninja escape weapon. They love poof balls.

Edible puff balls can only be eaten if the flesh is white

Remember the golden rule of foraging

If in doubt

Leave it out

Giant puffballs are natural styptic antihemorrhagics, they have been used in battle medicine for thousands of years and are a major part of special forces (e.g. SAS) mountain survival first aid training, among others.