My spinning side kick has a higher force than Rogans

How much would you guys pay to see me fight in the cage?

Lets suppose a sport psychologist hypnotizes me to not give a shit. So I can actually perform.

And Dan White says: you have to fight to get out of here.

I will label myself a jiujitsu fighter to keep the fight standing hehe.

If Royce was allowed to trick his opponents into thinking he was a karateka, why can’t I do the reverse?

Zero dollars.

Not a single person stood still for my kicks in the TAekwondo Dojo. Big or small…

Never traded, never blocked. Ran.

One dude got caught on the arm and froze. But that’s the only time. He didn’t mean to.

MMA fighters tend to stand still. even spin kicks they don’t move away from.

They have this strange boxing mentality of staying in rage and trade blows. In MMA.

I don’t know why they don’t utilitze footwork in there. The cage is quite big…


Do they, now…?

amazing what a little idea can do


That’s pretty telling…

“Do they now?”

A lot of them don"t. If Dos Santos and Overeem are dumb enough to stand and trade with Ngannou, then
they will obviously wait for my kicks.

I see it with the elf divisions also. Stand and bang all the time chin up in the air.

Yes, it is telling that you are comparing in-house training sessions, presumably with other amateur hobbyists, of being any kind of metric of how you would do with people who actually know how to really fight.

One does wonder if you are a Rabbit sock puppet account, as you sound like him.

Your presumption is false. I sparred several national fighters in AKA rules kickboxing.

And yes I have been in real fights. been elbowed in the face when I went for a judo hip toss.

btw, No science there how to Close the gap in Judo without getting hit, since it’s a sport…

But anyway, I didn’t care if he hit me on the way in because he was going for a ride anyway. And he weighed quite a bit more than me…

I was pretty zen like zooned out. They asked me if I can fight and I said: I dunno …

LOVED it. But that was for real. Not a competion. So I just fought with natural instincts.

You sound ignorant and delusional.

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@Dr.Gonzo Are you going to tell me how judo teaches me to close the gap without getting smacked in the face?

It’s a sport

Why are you bringing up Judo, and asking a Judo question?

Particularly a question with assumptions that you are making, as if you are trying to project them on others…

You said I was ignorant. Let’s discuss it then.

I did exactly what they do in judo classes and got elbowed.

And that’s how judokas would go about it. They have no other instinct.

Now in fairness, it didn’t stop me in my tracks. I still pulled off the o-goshi.

But that was in that particular case. As a general rule, it’s brain dead.

YOU got elbowed.
Do not compare yourself to other people who are in the alleged Judo class you attended, much less the wider Judo world.

Why would you extrapolate your Judo class to generalize to the rest of the Judo world…

And, I feel silly saying something so remedial to a probable sock puppet account, who whether sock puppet or not, clearly knows little about combat sports, or fighting based on what he has said, and sounds like he is delusional, but for the other readers in the room, I suppose:

  1. Not all Judo rooms strictly adhere to OIympic Judo rules, or style.
  2. For two very well known branches of the same ancestor as Olympic Judo, that train jacket grappling with striking as their core training activity, see:
    (a) Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
    (b) Combat Sambo.

Olympic Judo, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, and Combat Sambo all are evolutionary descendants of a common Japanese Jacket ancestor, Kodokan Judo, which itself was a descendant of studying and borrowing heavily from Western wrestling and western science principles, Sumo Wrestling (itself a derivative of Mongol Belt Wrestling), and some “tricks”, and submissions from a variety of places originating in and out of Japan.

Oh please. 99.9% train for the Olympic Rules.

If you want to talk about judo with striking, then that’s Japanese Jujutsu. Kano renamed it Judo, the gentle art art, and removed striking from the sparring but in return made it full contact.

Furthermore, judo tends to break apart No GI unless the athlete is elite.

That part is Okey though. Most people wear jackets.

Again, you are showing your hand, sounding this much like Rabbit.

And showing this little practical understanding, and inability to synthesize information.

I don’t know who the hell that is.

It’s very difficult to bridge the gap for someone who has no knowledge of striking offensively or defensively (which judo classes ensures).

It’s not so much the inability to think on your feet, it’s the practical issue of delivery.

There’s a reason double or single leg takedowns are the most popular freestyle takedowns.

It’s incredibly tough for a striker to counter those. They happen so quick and are out of reach from the usual striking targets for the striker.

The most effective counter is to sprawl. And it’s fairly easy. But that’s a moral victory to the grappler, you get into his game.

You seem to be confusing the throw, with closing the distance to take down range in a striking environment to be able to grapple fu.

Two different things, and different disciplines.

And…you never wrestled.

Based on what you just said.

You really never wrestled, nor had any proper training in rulesets where both grappling and striking are both allowed.

Based on what you just said.

This grows boring.

I’m not confusing anything. You are not adressing the issue. How does a non striking grappler avoid getting smacked when grabbing the collar.

Yes you are.

I already have, but you are too ignorant, and too much in fantasy land, still, to understand what you don’t know, and don’t understand.

There are many ways.

However, you do give a strange example, is the non-striking grappler not striking to be gentle to a deranged person, or a child?

Or, are you giving the example of an Olympic style Judo trained person, who curiously has no striking training, fighting in a street fight against somebody swinging hands, and kicking, etc.?

Surely, you are not giving the example of someone in an MMA or NHB or Vale Tudo match with no striking training?

And surely you are not giving the example of yourself, in your delusions of whatever?

I am. It’s hard to justify why I did it other than the fact that I had no other instinct. All I did prior was grappling.

There was a part of the equation being macho and arrogant, too.