My spinning side kick has a higher force than Rogans


Here is GSP saying it is the most powerful blow he’s ever seen

I get what you are saying. But I do have a valid argument in that if my spin keeps the same force after getting out of frame, then it should beat Rogans since Rogans torque is slower, and his legs are shorter.

As for raw strength, I can lift heavyweights on my back despite only weighing between 75-78 kg myself.

I’ve outwrestled heavyweights also

His opinion doesnt make it a world record. Time stamp for the world record part so I dont have to labour to find your claim?

@kimjonghng Your’e hung up on terms.

Rogans power is elite according to GSP. So much so that he doesn’t think he’s quote “seen a blow from a human being that hard”.

@W.Rabbit “but acceleration is also very dependent on mass.”

Explain. The heaviest guys aren’t the fastest sprinters.

a = F / m.

You’re confusing gravitational weight, speed and acceleration again.

You don’t have a lot of muscle mass, do you. That’s why you’re trying to outgun Rogan in your head, and my eyes.

Here’s an easier way: he’s a moron. Don’t bring yourself down to his level.

What’s next, physics and virology?

@W.Rabbit What does his intelligence have to do with it anything and how do you know I’m not a moron?

Power in a kick comes from the hIp and back, not the legs. Legs are mere stabilizers

But don’t listen to the guy who shakes the hole ceiling…

What intelligence.

Take those Adidas off. Then we can compare your leg to Joe Rogan.

Or mine. My calves are the size your skull.

@W.Rabbit Do you know the difference between isometric and functional strength?

And do you know that fast twitch muscles fiber is intricately linked to strength?

Slow-Twitch muscle fibers Activities:

Marathons, distance running, swimming, cycling, power walking, endurance training

Fast-Twitch Type Activities:

Powerlifting, sprinting, jumping, strength and agility training

so you’re changing your claim on the world record part? Sussy baka

Technically not so binary from a sports science perspective but in a very dumbed down way, acceptable answer

Ich bin ein Bergsteiger.

Acht und fierzig!

Happy Wasserkaninchenjahr.

@W.Rabbit Happy Joe Rogan!

I don’t really think there is much point in arguing the physics, i can look at your kick and look at his, and know i’d rather stand in front of yours than his.

The bag out of the frame is one of those small bags, i think a lot of hard kickers wouldn’t even kick those, bag would fly all over the place, not really designed for that kind of impact.

Also from a technique perspective, it doesn’t look like you are chambering that leg in so i don’t know if that force is going straight out. More of a swing to it, might be because you like that spinning heel kick.


when you finish that glute isn’t coming in, looks like you are quad focused. Go watch the rogan clips, and look at where the power is coming from.


That’s why it’s more powerful! The acceleration starts right away, rather than having the foot tucked in and {restarting the momentum} with a tight chambers release.

Rogan has better hips, but I angle myself to lend support from my back as a primary power generator

Rogan is more form centric, which decreases power since it’s more controlled and upright.

As for the bag itsef- nothing to do with the discussion.

“I don’t know if that force is going straight out. More of a swing to it, might be because you like that spinning heel kick.”

I don’t know if it is or not, but swings are more powerful than straight lines since they have greater momentum.

So if I did it would only be to my benefit.

Another thing. The angle of the knee is the same for spinning Side kick and spinning heel kick in TaeKwonDo.

what i think you are referring to is that my knee is lifted out to the side of my own body… Rather than being lifted inside.

That does increase power since I create a bigger kinetic energy bowl lifting it out to the Side .

Basically the bigger motion you create, the longer the sequence goes, the more power you muster up.

The actual extention of my leg appears to be straight.

And still, you won’t share the muscle mass of your legs, like Rogan has.

Lose the pants, and do it again.

Do your u even know of the Quadfather?

@W.Rabbit He’s such a moron

There’s a powerkube I can buy to measure My power.

Wouldn’t that be something …

I’m not in my prime but I’ll Still destroy it cause I’m pissed