My McDojo's "Point of No Return"

Yeah, I agree with all of that.

This kwoon isn’t a cult per se but after training with people for six years you do form some kind of bond with them. My instructor lived next door to me for a few years and I’ve known him since I was fourteen, so I believe it’s natural for me to feel bad about turning my back on him and the students I trained with.

They work very hard in keeping the traditional martial arts alive and are always experimenting with new chinese styles. However, it’s just not for me anymore.

I ran into a old multi-standup systems bb buddy who was hired by a Korean style school last year. I asked how it was going and he kinda winced. OK he said, and then explained. He said that the sparring consists of tag matches, “… where they tap each other on the top of the head and run away, and they call that a point! Or they do flippy back hands!” And since this guy is a moderately hard contact point type himself, that’s saying a lot. And he illustrated their forms with, “… it’s all out there,” while robotically blocking rhythmically with his forearms. “And there’s none of this, and it doesn’t come from in here” he said, tapping his stomach, and he exploded into a very fast hard style block/stike combo (and made me remember that this is why karate works: the usual violent clown would be destroyed in a half a second by that one combo that this guy nailed down twenty years ago, and now the “muscle memory” is very well ingrained).

He said he is doing what he can, working with the kids and trying to make sparring a tad more realistic and trying to teach body dynamics in striking. His illustration of weak forms was real funny - flipping his wrists around with a fake looking intense look on his face. Sadly it’s just what we’ve seen in forms competition all too often where some third degree with political connections wimps out a form and takes the championship.

Since he needs the money, he’s going to be stuck there for awhile. But I feel that inside his heart, he’s allready reached the point of no return.

I think TKD and Wing Chun probably take that place… :slight_smile:

I mean, at least Karate has Kyuokishin which does a reasonable job of representing – whereas TKD has… um, what? And Wing Chun? Where is T3e R34l Wing Chun?

On a serious note – as a long time karate guy who is now lovin’ the BJJ, I still think Karate has alot to offer if you find a good school that uses modern sports/science-based training methods, lots of drills/sparring, and minimizes the stomping up and down the floor punching the air…

Not easy to find though… but in most cases, even the kata-focused traditional karate – in my experience – is still better than TKD!!


I’ve been at my dojo fer about 8 years, maybe a little more. My Shihan and I are very close friends now as well as all the others. It’s not a cultish loyalty to me, it’s just loyalty to friends and a teacher who isn’t bad at what he does, I mean yes we have a kids McDojo side but the adults learn applications and the majority of the class is taken up with partnered drill and taking actually good tech’s out of katas but I feel a little stuck and while I love karate (especially Goju) I feel the training is a bit watered down from his own days (He trained Kyokushin-esque sparring when he was a student) but he feels his training was overly unsafe and the like. And I can sorta see some of it, we’ve had three broken ribs in “point tag” sparring (yes, that’s all the sparring we do) What really saved me was our Judo program that was made a few years back and I got really into and now I’m in college far enough from my hometown I can’t train there anymore and found this AMAZING new Judo Dojo I still get calls from him asking how I was and hoping to see me again soon in the summer.

I just don’t think I’m ready to leave yet, not at the “point of no return” because recently some other of us older teen BB’s have been putting the pressure on for more intense sessions and sparring and the like and we’re given practically free-reign (when I return once a month) to smack each other around in the manner we choose I guess. I just respect and like my teacher, the art, and the students, just not the way the teacher trains the students in the art. What really got me thinking of going all Judo or even to a local MT place was this place but I’m not going to push things too quickly. I’ll let changes come as they do and hopefully get my college gym to get a heavybag so I can still work on karate here on my own at least…

Watching the vid some years ago of Asia’s gung-fuey CMA stuff’s forms: he explodes into moves. You can see how it helps him maintain an edge (along with BJJ, boxing, etc etc… I think he probably has too much edge going!) It’s like my buddy’s kata efforts lead him toward power and intensity and good body dynamics - it means that one is atleast imagining battle, if not actually doing one - which makes me think of good Okinawan two person kata - there’s a decent school here in Utah that has the same two person kata routines (embu?) in every test for yellow through shodan and their sensei knows that as the colors darken, the resistance, power and speed had better increase (a helpful uke is a resistant uke… who said that?). While my buddy’s current Korean* bs flipping wrists stuff in a stiff pose is bumming him out. He also told me about a cool ma in Ogden who is an ex-Mooer. A guy who after several years saw the light and went for it in a solid system (the guy who should have won the bb forms competition I mentioned).

*Can’t get any more specific without fear of fucking up his job status.

And I always remove my numerous rings in enhance chi flow.

Fantastic thread! Here’s my McDojo point of no return story.

I have quit a number of dojos over the years, most of them due to schedule conflicts or other non-McDojo reasons. However, I’ve had a few McDojo kind of places I have quit from:

The teacher was totally unreliable. We used to meet twice a week and then he decided without telling the owner of the school that he wanted to drop one of the classes (but we still had to pay the same amount). Then he brought in two other guys to help teach (without telling the owner) since he was missing every other class. One guy was really awesome, he had a background in Aikijujutsu and it was a lot of fun working with him. The other guy… he had lived in Japan for a number of years and was gonna teach us “the real Aikido” which ended up being an hour of stretching and meditation and bullshit Ki exercises, then 15 minutes of techniques. I’m not saying that bullshit Ki exercises don’t have some use in Aikido, but it was over the top. That guy pushed me over the edge and I just never went back.

-Judo: huge class and simply not enough teachers to go around. One day someone made the mistake of asking a higher ranked belt for advice (who wasn’t a blackbelt) and the teachers all stopped the class, and lectured us for 15 minutes about how it’s disrespectful to ask a non blackbelt a question and if you have some trouble just wait patiently for a blackbelt to get to you. Then the next day happened to fall on Veteran’s Day and after class the senior teacher basically attempted to force us to thank him for his service. Went home and never came back.

After that I had some great experiences with another Aikido place and a place that taught MMA sort of stuff (though it was probably a McDojo, I doubt they had any proper lineage at all). Had to drop those two when I moved to Japan a few years ago.

In Japan, however, I found the most Bullshidoest dojo ever.

Based on my experience training with the Aikijujutsu guy back in the US, I wanted to see if I could find a place to train at. I found one, with a legitimate lineage and everything:

-Roppokai Daitoryu Aikijujutsu:
The teacher was a direct student of Okamoto, the founder of the branch.
I don’t want to condemn all of Roppokai, since I didn’t get the chance to train with Okamoto, and maybe this class just sucked. But it was absolute nonsense. I never was under the delusion that Aikido will make you a badass, but if forced to choose I would fall back on Aikido over Roppokai if I were in a fight- it was that bad. Outside of Yellow Bamboo It was the worst of all the Ki nonsense you hear about, with people throwing themselves for the blackbelts, transmitting Ki waves through touch, etc. I thought “there must be more to it than this, this is a legit art that traces lineage back to the founding of Daitoryu” but then I searched for videos of Okamoto online and didn’t like what I saw at all. After about a month I decided not to go back.

I left the school when I discovered that I could beat the 2nd dan
female champion who had an 8kg advantage over me with nothing but punches…

…and then I went to a proper boxing class and got my ass handed to me within two minutes.

I remember my first Martial Arts school - “Dragon Karate” located in Mississauga (West of Toronto). Our Sensei always used to say “Okay today we’re going to go easy”. And I’d be in class 3 times a week. It was such a pain of “always taking it easy” 3 times a week!

I can probably count on one hand the number of times I actually sweat while there… I remember a few friends saying that at Karate competitions, the school that I went to was a huge joke… I always thought that it would get better.

The best part is when I read online about a Muay Thai vs. Karate competition in which a number of Japanese fighters went over to Muay Thai and got their ass handed to them. I told my sensei about it and he was like “yep I know”. From that day on, I was sooo intrigued by Muay Thai (but there were no schools in the area that taught it)…

This was around 1997-2000

Well I never actually joined a Mcdojo, though I’ve visited my share. However, in high school my best friend asked me if I wanted to spar him since he knew TKD (ATA). I’ve always accepted pretty much any challenge to spar, grapple, etc. even if I knew I’d get my butt handed to me so I said yeah lets do it. Keep in mind, he was one of the top students at the school he had attended. Hadn’t made black belt yet but could take the only black belt student in the school. He explained that we couldn’t punch each other in the face and I was like that’s weird but whatever. I had never taken any martial art of any kind, we were the same size and I basically owned him. We stopped when I punched him in the stomach pretty hard and looked at me like “WTF man! that hurt!” I kinda felt bad for him at that point.

[QUOTE=patfromlogan;573498]Classes that ended the other way:

Kajukenbo, sifu moved to Alaska.
Am Kenpo, instructor got busted w/underage girl
Kyokushinkai, sensei said thirty years was enough, he was going to play golf with his kids.
Chirioku at the rec, students all quit, moved, went on Mormon missions. Shit, most fun class I’ve ever been in - big group all ages. Sensei have “Queen Bee” where we divided into two groups, had to stay on our knees, and if you were turned onto your back you were “dead” and if your team’s Queen was turned you lost. Hilarious and brutal fun, kids crying, people screaming with laughter and pain, six kids climbing on a bb’s head puliing him down, big guys being Godzilla flinging bodies, big bb’s going full on with each other crushing everyone around them, lots of fun.[/QUOTE]

That queen bee game sounds FUKKEN AWESOME

Hey Colin, long time no see!

lets see, there’s 1 big situations i can think of (though it’s more of a sad story than a mc dojo, though looking back now i realize some of it may have been just that) This is VERY long heh, i like to rant.

Long story short, i was at my shotokan school for 8 years total (had some time off due to various injuries and personal things, financial issues, etc etc), probably actually in the school for 7 of it. Anyways i had a friend (ex friend now and you’ll see why) who over the years started changing, and not for the better. Again long story short, he’s the type of guy who ate shit his whole life, and instead of turning into a good person, he did all he could to make everyone else feel like shit, so far as to accuse me of being on steroids (aka he was very fat and just couldn’t understand how someone was as big as me and moved so fast and could be in such good looking shape, etc etc) multiple times over the years of us having conflicts. There’s alot more to it but that’s all you need to know.

Anyways it FINALLY after years and years, comes time for me to get ready for my brown belt test. Now mind you i had NEVER sparred before other than 1 and 3 step sparring, after being told i wouldn’t have to spar for brown belt for years. Well…turns out i was lied to. So i went home that night after finding out i would have to, and posted on facebook the following: “crap…just found out i need to spar for my brown belt…definitely need someone to do some hardcore sparring with so i can be ready!”. Posted it and went to bed. The following night there (2 days later or w/e it was), i went in and he said he wanted to watch my kata (now mind you kata is clearly the most essential part of seeing if i should wear the color brown, not my skill, power, speed, and ability to defend myself lol), and he just kept giving me “eh” looks the whole time. Pulled me over and said he didn’t think i was ready. Ok…fair enough i guess, guess my kata wasn’t where he wanted it to be, i waited 8 years, i can wait a few more months to get another chance or w/e.

The problem however…was that after he said that, he also told me that it “came to his attention” (the was a black belt there, who is about 25 years older than me, had a big falling out as his house long ago because of that same ex best friend, i ended up eating the blame, etc, who i had on my facebook, who i’m confident said this to him) that i was "looking to do some very hardcore sparring and hurt people, and he can’t have someone like that walking around with a brown belt, and ALSO oddly enough said “you know tony, one thing that always bothered me is that i know you’re on steroids and i know that can affect your temper, and i know that’s why you threatned to beat up that guy who was bothering ben (my ex best friend)”. Huh…interesting that right after i told my friend Ben the following AND I QUOTE “if that guy keeps doing that to you, let me know and we’ll get it taken care of one way or another”. Also odd that someone who had a problem with me for something i didn’t do, was the only other person in that class that knew what i posted on facebook, and odd that the words seemed “changed” from what i actually had said. So blah blah blah, these were all reasons i couldn’t test for brown, but ALL THAT ASIDE, i still said “ok then” and explained to him that the steroid accusation was bullshit (basically it’s a ground of skinny out of shape people who can’t tolerate someone being in shape lol, i’m very big for my size and my speed is mind boggling for the amount of mass i carry on my frame, people just can’t get that i work my ass off for it lol), and he seemed to be ok with it, but still didn’t want me to test.

So i go home and text my friend “wtf did you say to sensei that would make him say that to me??” and he came back with essentially “your incessant workouts and violent attitude are key signs that you shouldn’t be testing, i didn’t say that to him but i agree with him, blah blah blah”, so i message him back and basically call him out on the last 14 years of bullshit that i’ve heard him spew and tolerated because he was my best friend, and a host of other things. Instead of working it out, he decided to end our friendship (as people who are pussies and who can’t handle the truth being thrown at them despite being the first one in line to belittle anyone else to make themselves feel better often do), i attempted to talk things over with him many times but eventually i just said fuck it, he was clearly not worth my time anymore.

Anyways after that, i had evidence that he had said to my sensei and to me did not match up (other things were said too), and i called him and asked if i coudl go in and talk to him before class, he said sure. So i went in that day, with the ACTUAL post on facebook printed for him and what Ben had messaged me and all the proof i needed. I sat down and showed him this and explained to him that he had basically jumped to 1 giant conclusion based on assumptions instead of facts, and he actually said to me that after talking to other people in the dojo he realized he made a mistake and that i wasn’t violent, on roids, etc etc. However then he threw a huge curve ball at me…

(before continuing, know 2 things. I had talked to people in the dojo a WHILE prior to this, asking that IF it was ok with sensei, if we could meet a 3rd day during the week to train, maybe at the park, it’d be donation based if any money involved, and all the money would go to the dojo to improve it. I ALSO at the time was starting a fitness class at the YWCA near me, these 2 things had NOTHING to do with each other, anyways read on).

He said he found out i was trying to recruit people to come to my MARTIAL ARTS class and steal his students, that i was putting young women (younger girls in our class i had talked to about my ide for a 3rd day, nothing more) at risk and putting him at risk for being sued, etc etc. I couldn’t believe it and really didn’t know what to say because i had NO fucking idea what he was talking about (again not realizing he had combined 2 things together and made his own assumptions about it, oddly enough things that he would have ONLY heard about through facebook, and ONLY made the assumptions he made about them based on people twisting my words around, like what had JUST been fucking discussed with him). I tried defending myself but again i didn’t know what he was coming at me with (only pieced it together later that night). Words were exchanged, and it all ended with me being removed from the dojo because “i can’t have someone who disrespects me and the dojo so much in here, go teach your class, you obviously need the money, maybe we’ll talk at a later date”. I was pretty devastated obviously, that not only my best friend of almost TWENTY ONE years had turned into such a worthless cock munch, but that a place i called home for 8 years was now out of my life.

I moped about it for a few days, eventually months later wrote him a HUGE message explaining (in as nice a way as possible) how big of a fucking moron he was for what he said and did, and that if he would only take time to consider FACTS, that he would see he jumped to a giant conclusion based on the bullshit others were feeding him instead of realizing things for himself. Do i know if he read it? Nope. Do i care anymore? Nope. I attempted to explain myself 1 more time, if he chose to ignore it (which he obviously has as i haven’t had contact with him since) then so be it, that’s his own ignorance and loss.

I say this is a mcdojo situation possibly, because of a few things. Mainly ONE of the reasons i got accused of being on roids is because not only am i freaking huge, i’m also faster (or was, gotta work back up to it) than EVERY single person save for 1 of the black belts (who oddly enough trains even more than me, yet he never got shit for it lol), and i’m intense as all hell. That was my gift and also my downfall apparently lol. Everyone in that place for the most part has been doing it for anywhere from 2-15 years, most of them are just as fat and terrible at techniques as they were when they started, there’s almost no sparring, what there is is mainly 1 and 3 step and some “free sparring” (but watch out for injuries, if you do more than tap someone you might hurt them), all this talk about practical application, yet we never practiced any, i guarantee you if i randomly walked up to 98% of the people in that school and started a fight with them, they wouldn’t walk away from it with anything less than most of their teeth missing and some broken bones, they can’t even use what they’ve trained “so hard” to learn, it’s pathetic really, and clearly the sensei has his head shoved so far up his own ass he can’t smell how bad everyone elses shit stinks.

I still train shotokan on my own time (just restarted recently…my god am i bad at it now lol) but i found a very good MMA school and focus mostly on BJJ and muay thai, and now shotokan again on my own time as i said. I’m working through some hyperextended elbows (tendonitis now sigh) that i’ve been dealing with for years (oh ya as my “sensei” would say, it’s because i went to a “hokey” school for a while lol) so that makes that type of punching tough on me but i get by.

Anyways sorry for that 2 hour rant, i’m done :slight_smile:

Cold Skin and I summarized our what is now a McDojo here:

wow McDojo, ok so actually I have a Mcdojo story about a BJJ school. I moved to another state after training bjj under my coach for 4 years. He had a bunch of affiliate school so when I started applying for out of state jobs I also looked to see if he any schools in the area. I found a gym actually really liked the instructor, he isn’t much older than me either. Well I went to my second interview and met the coach the same weekend, we hit it off. Before I moved he came to the main gym and train. Long story short we made the mistake of dating…About a month in and he broke it off… Stuff happens no big deal.

Anyway things started getting weird. He stopped teaching techniques and only submissions he made up. The school expanded, and he had me teaching all of the kids classes (9 classes a week). He stopped teaching positions, transitions, basic fundamental jiu jitsu techniques and started getting more and more fanatical. He would claim he was going to Pan AMs and that he was in a documentary, that he was well respected and that we couldn’t show our bjj to anyone be cause we were the only affiliate school in the pacific northwest. If i did anything he deemed as not ok he would yell at me. He wouldn’t allow me to train with higher belts etc. If I did he’d rip into me saying I was a selfish bitch. He’d say thing about me to the kids parents, and tell the 14 year old teaching assistant that he didn’t have to listen to me or respect my rank. It’s hard to teach a class when you have a kid who is supposed to be helping, arguing with you in the middle of class.

The head instructor (my ex) would say things to me like I needed to shut up bc no one cared where i had competed, who I had visited to train with. No one wanted to read or know my opinions and that i just needed to shut up and not correct things. I wasn’t the instructor so i shouldn’t be helping my teammates I should just be doing the techniques.

Anyway things started getting worse there were rumors of steroid usage, that the instructor claimed I started (I had no idea about him using them, he admitted to using once a year ago to me and I took it at that. he had tried it, didn’t like it, and stopped). They were though smoking pot at the gym. It started in people cars, with minors, then it became stand at the back door and blow the smoke outside. all of it was after class, then one day in the middle of sparring time one of the guys decided he needed some right then and went into the back area and just lit up right there, in the gym with people training. That was the only time I think the instructor told them to stop. It didn’t matter to him he would smoke with them, buy pot off his students.

His attitude towards me got worse, he knew I was training for pan ams and refused to help. If I did the smallest thing wrong I would get 10-15 texts in a min while I was at my job of him cussing at me threatening to ruin me, saying no one liked me etc etc. I tried getting my own life, tried dating other people and he called me a slut and a whore. Then one day while I was sparring with him (he’s a brown belt and I’m a purple belt) I was trying to do a gi choke and he picked me up threw me and the jumped on me, started trying to physically hurt me while I defended. The bell rang, he jumped up and in front of everyone screamed, “F’ing punch me again in my face, in MY gym in front of MY students. and F’ing see what happens. I’ll Fck you up I dont care who you think you are.” I had no idea what had happened and sat in the middle of the mats in front of the whole class, with a visiting team there and started crying (I’m a 125 lb girl, he’s a 170 lb brown belt guy and mma fighter) I tried to apologize and he kept yelling at me.

At that point I decided to leave. It was the hardest decision because I wanted to get my black belt from my coach, I loved teaching those kids classes, they were pretty much the only highlight of my day. That night I found a gym about 30 min closer to where I lived. It has a black belt, four browns, I am the only purple and tons of blues , 4 or 5 that are preparing for purple belt tests. The instructor there listened to my story read the threatening texts and emails. he told me what everyone really thought of the school , and when the coach from the old gym started threatening me again, he got a hold of a bunch of other instructors and they have started boycotting the gym.

The person has a MABS thread about him on here, I t hink I even defended him on it. He’s belt is legit, but morally he’s a bad guy. I have the emails and texts he sent me. But if I post them he claims he’ll come after me

My original coach says i’m still part of the family and that he refuses to get in the middle of it. I understand it’s a business, but the emotional trauma has been pretty bad. This article sums him up

If you have recorded evidence of him saying he’ll come after you, then i don’t see why you can’t post that up as well. You think he’d be dumb enough to actually come after you, with actual evidence of him saying he’d do so that you could easily show the police? Actually from the sound of it he might be…but ya lol.

Let this story be a lesson to all those who date their instructors, it’s usually bad news waiting to happen.

[QUOTE=Katriona1992;2493841]I left the school when I discovered that I could beat the 2nd dan
female champion who had an 8kg advantage over me with nothing but punches…

…and then I went to a proper boxing class and got my ass handed to me within two minutes.[/QUOTE]

Are you talking about Kyokushin here?

[QUOTE=proteinshakez;2544468]If you have recorded evidence of him saying he’ll come after you, then i don’t see why you can’t post that up as well. You think he’d be dumb enough to actually come after you, with actual evidence of him saying he’d do so that you could easily show the police? Actually from the sound of it he might be…but ya lol.

Let this story be a lesson to all those who date their instructors, it’s usually bad news waiting to happen.[/QUOTE]

I knew better than to. That’s the worst part. Lord knows I’ve seen it happen, we both agreed to be professional when it came to the gym.

And he has no odea I saved them and he would come after me, yes. I am looking for legal action

[QUOTE=Navita;2544511]I knew better than to. That’s the worst part. Lord knows I’ve seen it happen, we both agreed to be professional when it came to the gym.

And he has no odea I saved them and he would come after me, yes. I am looking for legal action[/QUOTE]

Then yes, you’d be wise to go the legal route. Put that douche bag in his place.

My sob story :

I’ve actually been to only one club in my life (soon to be two, though). I had paid up-front for a month of _ing __un, and after careful consideration, I actually never went. Then I decided to try out judo, at the time there was only one dojo I could reach easily so the decision was easy.

For the first year it was awesome. We did the usual drilling, situation sparring, full sparring. In the second year randori was actually made optional. During randori time the class would split and those that wanted to do more drills had half the room and those who wanted to randori had half.

We were 10 to want to randori. Then 6. Then 4. Then 1.

Seeing that, the coach tried to have a randori day, perhaps to spark some interest. He asked that only orange belts and up come. Welp that plan was foiled when I and a couple colored belt showed up to finally do some throwin’ but were met with a huge contingent of white belts. We got more drilling for our efforts.

By the third year the classes were almost completely dead. Yeah, I know. Dead judo. What the hell? I don’t think the classes were dead because the coach wanted them to. There were simply too much people. We couldn’t even train sutemi because we risked throwing somebody onto one of the ubiquitous white belts, so randori was out of the question. We’d usually do randori in the last two weeks of every “semester”, when most of the nooblets had dropped out and we had some breathing space.

Two weeks per year of randori? I did not sign up for this. I don’t dislike drills, they are important building blocks, but come on!

Third year was already going pretty bad and I thought of quitting right there and then. The decision was finally removed from my grasp when I was the unlucky uke to the most incompetent kata-guruma I’ve ever seen. Tori overspun me when dropping my ass and I landed on the point of my shoulder. I’ve probably done hundreds of kata-guruma falls because it was my weak technique and we mostly trained give-and-take. I’ve never seen someone flunk it so bad. Anyway, the result was a broken collarbone.

Sitting on the bench in plainclothes with a sling while others go at it is not my idea of fun.

Queue some time later. It breaks again on my first day. I don’t even remember to what, probably some stupid crap, might even have been my fault (before y’all get on my ass, yes I was cleared to go, yes I know how to fall). Whole batch of fresh new white belts look on as I improvise a sling with my t-shirt and head home. Probably was a bad business year for the dojo, that third one.

Fourth year. It’s funny because we actually did some randori but it was still few and far between. Coach seemed happy to have me back, even set me up as the official nage-no-kata uke for his son’s shodan grading, since ironically, according to the coach I had “great ukemi”. Plans foiled again, collarbone broke once more. Same guy as the first time (I tried to avoid him, but this time it was that or sit out, so I took the gamble and lost). This time he loaded me on his left shoulder (!!) doing a right-side seoi-nage. I think. I’m not sure, I just know I flew at a weird angle and I had no time to readjust or tell him to stop his crap. I overspun and fell on the point of my shoulder again.

I just couldn’t understand anymore. I had gotten failed at tests because my technique wasn’t up to snuff. This guy was my rank (nikyu at the time) and still could not do ippon-seoi-nage semi-correctly. The obvious conclusion : laxed standards. Kyu grades are left completely at the coach’s discretion. I was beginning to worry about my ass too, but visits from judoka belonging to other clubs and visiting other clubs myself defused that feeling, since I could hang with outsiders, pretty well if I do say so myself.

Two collarbone breaks had their effect on my first year of university. My grades dropped, and I lost my sense of direction career-wise. I then got accepted to law school (not a graduate program here), probably based on my high school/technical college grades because my university ones just weren’t very good. I decided that further breaks would just hamper this whole new career choice, so I had to get a safer club.

But I did come back a little. It was winter and I had nothing to do. The coach tried to push me into kata competitions to earn my points for shodan. I told him repeatedly I wanted to compete, but not in kata! I suppose that was somewhat creative on his part. Kata is less physically rigorous than shiai and it’s still competing. It would have been a decent suggestion, I have nothing in particular against kata and those that like doing kata, but it’s just not what I wanted to do! But still, the one or two times it was randori time (for 6 months), I did not do randori, I did nage-no-kata. sigh

Let’s recapitulate : laxed standards, dangerously inept members (note : the old timers were actually of a very good standard) and dead judo. Yeah. I left.

So I decided I had to join another club. The university has one so I inquired. I plan on attending it this fall. They said it was possible for me to get prepared to compete, so I’m pretty excited to finally do some randori again.