The fighters are locked in a clinch, looking for the opportunity of a takedown…
“Corners!!!” the Referee shouts, the two fighters move to their corners bemused ???
Pointing at a splerge mess on the ring floor the referee calls for assistance. Another ajudicator joins him in the ring “Is that hair gell or something in the ring?” “Nah it’s that gimp Jenfucious, he’s just jizzed … Dirty Bastard”
… The referee frantically points in Sempai’s direction…
“That’s the ghey MoFo that does Aikido, exit that nob-vein out the building” Shouts the referee.
Looking over Sempai’s shoulder is Ronin69 “Time to leave dickwad… your aikido is weak and you wear a skirt” Grabbing Sempai by the throat, Ronin69 proceeds to headbutt several times.
“FFS man” Sempai pleads… “I might study Aikido, but at least I’m not a piss ant med student”
“Good point” Ronin69 replies Headbutting Sempai once more for good measure he continues… “Right then, STFU No0b or else!”
“I am an UBERBADASS and I will kick the fuck out of any you mother fuckers… any takers”
After a moments silence… The crowd (all 6,000 in attendance) rush the ring… Everyone is trying to get a piece of Kungfoolss… They rip him apart people taking home whatever piece they can get their hands on… It is a blood thirsty lot, driven to a feeding frenzy by the excess butter in the popcorn…
OMega is screaming into the microphone about his cable show… is anyone listening… Asia is making animal noises and flexing his muscles… They have not eaten any popcorn.
Jumping in the ring sempai finds the battered remains for kungfoolss’s left arm… Shouting “I’ll shout you some REAL AIKIDO, you doubting MoFo’s” and proceeds to do several L-A-M-E techniques (obviously requiring complete complience)
Pat from Logan has come all this way to show everyone his Tsuba collection…he has eaten the popcorn, and is now looking for “peeps” to offset the salty taste…No one seems to really appreciate his time and effort to neatly arrange all his “tsubas” on the cork board… Pieces of Kungfoolss splatter his board, the blood being absorbed into the cork…Pat thinks, " I should have put that waterproof coating on my board…damn…" It is to late now…Asia can be heard in the background yelling Baji…Baji… Omega is showing some pictures to the blood thirsty crowd…
Sempai trys the popcorn by putting it in the hand of Kungfoolss severed battered limb…He find it to salty also, and shouts madly…Peeps…Peeps does anyone have Peeps…
Sempai finds in the excitement one of Pat’s favorite Tsubas has inadvertently dropped from the board. Pat has not noticed. Sempai is in a delema… Should he give it back to Pat or run gleefully from the arena to start his own broken sword collection for lack of better things to do with his time and money?