Low Alcohol Tolerance

You can’t see me, but I’m clapping.

Guess who has really good tolerance to large amounts of Alcohol?- Alcoholics. but fuck it, as long as you’re not driving, have one on me.

All the summer ales are going to be comming out soon. Cant wait.

So, have you given up the bitch liquor for good or just for the Sam Adams summer seasonal brew?

Starbucks is like the kind bud of coffee.

I will be drinking a lot of beer tonight :smiley:

I just had scotch on the rocks instead of lunch on my lunch break.

Don’t think I’ll be training tonight.

Update: Because of the Italian food I ate last night, I have been farting garlic all day. Pure garlic. I hope you all appreciate how comical that is when you’re in the Army.

Beer tastes like cat piss.

Whiskey is where it’s at. I only drink about once a week, so a few shots will give me a good buzz.

No, just no.

You are hereby branded a coffee heretic.

Drank 2 sixpacks and half a bottle of Tequila last night.

Kill me now…

A just and fair God would let you live with your mistakes.

edit I’m sorry. I’m projecting.

Ahhh, I remember what it was like to be 14… good times.

yeah, except that I’m 21 and I’ve drank beer countless times in my teens trying my damndest to like it, to no avail. If it’s an acquired taste, I do not care to drink it enough to develop a taste for it.

I like how if you don’t like beer, you are a 14 year old kid. I’ve never heard that before :icon_roll

Maybe someone has actually been filling your beer cans with cat piss before they give them to you. I’ve done that before.

Nothing else actually can get me wired anymore. I think they put something in it, I really do.

goin’ to the empty bottle, gonna get sick drinking from their shitty unclean taps. Woooo.

i never touched beer until that drink party and that first time i tried i got 6 32oz bottles down with no trouble and i am only 150lb…

Yeah, and you obviously weren’t drunk or anything. lulz.

i could still beat the computers chess at hard mode until i finished off half of that gallon we dranked…