Glad to hear you’re enjoying something other than alco-pops or some glass with a little umbrella sticking out of it. Have fun.
Good beer always wins. Sam Adams Summer Ale is pretty good as far as wheat beer goes. I think they advertise it as a “Pale Wheat Ale,” but I’ve never really felt like there was a major hop presence there. The wheat flavor is definitely there, as is a fairly refreshing lemon flavor. Not my favorite beer, but it’s great as a session brew.
Anyway, I’m pretty drunk right now, because we went out for my friend’s birthday and I apparently no longer can drink heavily without getting drunk. Q-dot style questions: Should I propose marriage just because when I walked her home, she kissed me on the lips when I hugged her goodnight? Which tentacle porn should I masturbate to tonight to get rid of her lingering scent?
I advocate stone breweries for my good beer category.
what kind of “experiments and shit” did you have to do?
Guys: A girl smiled at me in class today. I don’t know if I should reciprocate or not, because I don’t want to “cheat” on the girl at starbucks that smiles at me in the morning normally. But the girl from class is a little bit hotter, like a 7.2 vs a flat 7. I wouldn’t be telling you all this but holy shit I did one little rock of crack and I’m really flying.
Don’t mention that stuff, it makes me have to shit.
You go to Starbucks? Gay.
He’s drinking a real beer. Sniff. It brings a tear to my eye.
No I don’t go in I don’t want to come on too strong I just look at her through the window. She knows she’s my angel, we don’t need to talk.
Dude, dude. I know a girl like that, mayne. She works in the building across from the one I work in. Sometimes if I’m working late I look out the window and catch her gliding ever so gracefully to the shuttle bus. Sometimes I just want to throw off the labcoat and run down to meet her so she can leap into my arms. But she doesn’t know I’m strong enough to hold her. In fact, I don’t think she knows I exist.
You know, I know just how you feel, but sometimes I think, “Man, it’s OK she doesn’t know I exist, she shouldn’t. She’s part of a whole different world, a world of decent things that smell like cinnimon and laugh like windchimes and I don’t even DESERVE a girl that wants to be a marine biologist/post-punk bassist”
Do you ever think that?
But sometimes I think she would like my world too. There’s not that much in it, but if only she knew how much love I have inside me.
I mean, so what if she’s about to go to graduate school in the city to study international relations? So what if she’s a former tennis champ. I may not be on top of current affairs, I may not weild a racket like she does, and I may not look as heavenly in those white shorts. But damn it, she must learn how much I have to offer.
Now if only I could muster up the courage to break through her curtains, to land on her shores, instead of languishing in obscurity.
Do you ever feel like it’s too much to deal with?
Nope. But then, I’m pretty awesome.
i’d jus like to say
stcky pzl
Did you ever figure out which guy slipped you the ruffies at work last night? Does this story have a “Happy Ending”?
I guess so. I drank a few more bottles of Pale Ale, went back to work in the lab. Hooked some shit up, walked to the train station drunk, got home and sobered up. I liked it.
Ive been wondering about a related topic. Does fitness relate to alcohol absorption at all, the hypothesis being that a fitter individual will get drunk faster on the same amount compared to standard individual of the same size.
Interesting inquiry. Size/weight is a big factor for obvious reasons, but I don’t think fitness would matter very much. Of course, I don’t know shit about this stuff. Anyway, I imagine the time necessary to get drunk is about the ratio of alcohol dehydrogenase your liver can push out to the amount of alcohol in your system.
God I miss alcohol so much.
I don’t have a tolerance for beer because I don’t drink beer.