Lab Leak Livestream Tonight at 8 CST

Just because Trumpist media is making hay from the lab leak theory doesn’t make it wrong

Well since they are wrong 98% of the time on everything, oh well.

OF bigger concern though is Florida and Texas, which are being heralded as being poster children because they’re so free and maskeless and stuff, notice they’re still in deep shit territory.

DeSantis is being heralded as the 2024 Presidential contender, because according to the FOX crowd, he did everything right.

Nope, not according to the data he didn’t. And all it takes is ONE VARIANT mutation to make the vaccine ineffective and we’re all going back into lockdowns, at which point I’m sure civil war really could break out, based on what we’ve seen so far in 2021. Militancy is off the scale.


Texas? Same shit, although that whopper of a winter storm did seem to put a short dent in the Vid (mostly due to datacenter outages and people stuck at home). But they’re also still in oh shit territory.

That is a laughable piece of shit article.

“Sir, how many not-legal animals have you sold in this barely hygienic marketplace?”

“None! None at all! No soup for you!”

“Our research finds that no bats were sold during the period in question.”

You ever admit to being wrong about anything? I can’t remember one myself and doubt anyone here can either.

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How is it extraordinary? This already happened with sars 1.


Pretty good article on the topic. It doesn’t fit Wrabbit’s narrative, but then he’ll be wrong about something at some point. This may be that time.

SO you’re calling the researchers at Oxford and here in the US liars?

Would you like me to post their bios for you?

I’ll admit when you’re right, which is occasional.

the idea that the COVID virus escaped from a Chinese lab is gaining high-profile attention. As it does, reputations of renowned scientists are at risk — and so is their personal safety.

Don’t be such a media slut, Joe.

You’re exactly right as always, go’jira.

COVID19 is not, but it did.

Now, we all suffer, instead of just Asia. L O L.

Says you. You’re a one way looking into a mirror for validation troll brother. Without a search engine you’d be lost. Still, you’ve a losing game going on. Cause you can’t be bothered to look beyond your own bias.

Shall we start keeping score?

China has the technology and data to prove conclusively where the virus came from.

Where is it?

Although it is circumstantial we know for a fact they covered it up in the beginning just like the Russians did with Chernobyl, if it wasnt due to their own screw up why would they have done that? (cue speculative un-insightful , uninformed rant about CCP behavior)

LOL, the scientific method and deduction aren’t “bias”, Joe. Don’t act like a fucking conspiracy theorist too, which is exactly what the Wuhan lab leak is: theory with zero empirical support.

Forget keeping score, you lost this game the moment I registered on Bullshido. And you love losing so bad, you come back every day just to test me, right? Except on days you’re too tired and take the night off.

So, which bias do I have Joe? Other than being the only published research scientist left on Bullshido who actually posts?

The US should not be funding foreign research.

Full stop, end of story, nor the “gain of function” research, most especially outside the USA.


Somebody wants somebody to make some money for their research, including the somebodies doing the research.

Follow the money (and fame).

I think everyone gains from international cooperation on things like fighting potential pandemic diseases, but why any country wants to cooperate with China on anything, considering how duplicitous they can be, is beyond me

Oh yeah, money

China, for sure, no way no how.

We spend way too much money overseas as it is, China or otherwise, IMO.

Money spent to support and encourage democracy is a worthwhile investment IMO

China is beyond the pale in that regard

Maybe on the first one.

Well, yeah, of course. I’d like to see all US businesses banned from doing business with China. It would even be better if the sacred G7 would all get together on that. I’m not holding my breath, though.

Let’s just get into WW3 with them and get it over with.

Forget G7

They are balls deep in China appeasement

A consumer boycott is the way to go

No, wait, consumers are also balls deep in appeasement, 'cause cheep goods are just so damn addictive!

Consumer boycott, LOL.