My shady landlord lost my apartment thanks to his gambling habit. I have until January 1st to make other arrangements.
On the flip side, my teacher’s master is getting old, and is evidently sick. So my teacher is flying back to the homeland to do what needs to be done. He might be gone for quite a while, and asked has asked me to take care of classes and the temple.
It could have all come about differently . I would think this would be a situation you could see positively . I am assuming rent will be cheap , and the place fairly quiet at night . Two things which are lacking from my housing situation at the moment .
I’m definitely taking this positively, though there are the obvious complications. Rent will be next to non-existent, basically paying for my share of the bills, food, etc. Bonus, I’m basically living in a martial arts school. Wake up, roll out of bed, and start practicing. I’ve been wanting to devote more of my time to getting the school up and running. I’m hoping to score an interview on a local talk radio program, as well as some other ideas.
Also, it’ll give me better focus for my Seon practice. All the benefits of monasticism, without actually having to take the extra 255 vows.
Sure. There’s already some pics of the actual temple itself in the thread from when I got my instructor’s license. Once I’m all moved in, I’ll take some pics of the hermitage.
I know… I’m so money and I don’t even know it.
Except that guy’s Daoist, not Buddhist
No credit for finding a monk and a spider, but a critique because I messed up the shape of his hat? Harsh. The no sex is already making you cranky, bro:icon_tong
How about “It’s Hallowe’en and he’s dressing as a Doaist for shits and giggles?”.
Next you’re gonna tell me that Buddhists don’t celebrate All Hallows Eve…