gravious has an excuse. You others sound like you do it for no reason.
I can’t speak for anyone else but i tend to drink to get drunk. Seems like a good reason to me.
I’m saying I don’t do anything but, have a legiment reason.
yeah, i’m guessing you’re like the poor sap we always use as designated driver.
A threads have somethig to do w/ me and everyone else in the world. A wide variety of subjects.
You don’t drink, what does a thread that asks what you’re drinking have to do with you? did you tell us what you’re drinking? no? shut up.
So soex dodo when you releive yourself you think of me, how thought full of you. I was also noticing everyones varrots and you all are not to far from me.
Wait… i take it all back, this is clearly the speech of a drunk man.
Once again, I will not provide proof. Actually, I usually jump between 190lbs. & 200 lbs. Thats a little more than light weight.
considering how long it took you to realise that peoples avatars weren’t the actual people i’ll humour you on this one. lightweight in this case denotes how much alcohol you can consume and still remain coherant/standing/unmessed. I’m saying you couldn’t drink my little sister under the table.
However, I do enjoy my own blood and the blood of others when an event comes to pass. I don’t usually eat rats because you become a snitch.
Do i even need to bother replying to this crap?
Now, back on topic, i might try some wild turkey tonight. I got a few bottles of it for Christmas so it better be good!