Ok, first up an apology if this has been talked about before. I did a search and looked through the videos but I found nothing.
Anyway, I found this ‘gem’. I know there are a shit ton of crappy MA LARP fest videos out there but this still stood out. Everything about it is just so awful I find it difficult to believe it’s not a joke. It claims to be done for expert village and is in fact posted from that account. I’ve seen a couple of vaguely decent videos from them in the past but if this is for real they obviously have no quality control at all.
I think any state that bans MMA competitions, should have their legislature forced to watch this type of vid, and be told “YOU created this-- now you fix it!”
They need to SEE what their “well-intended laws” are doing!
well, it’s a viable technique if a shitty ninja using a shitty lunge punch series attacks you.
i recommend that you go to your local booj, sign a 4 year contract, and wait until you are a nidan before you make your final assessment of the craptasticness of it all.
Anthony Lucas has been involved in Budo since the mid 1980s. Mr. Lucas was recently promoted to 7th Dan in April of 2007. He is currently the head instructor(Shidoshi) and founder of the Bujinkan Koteda…
As always I ran this video past my wife, who has no training in any martial art. I enjoyed her completely untutored observation: “Shouldn’t the fact that the girl falls a different way every time he does it clue him into the fact that he might not be what’s making her fall?”