I’m sorry but that’s so much bullshit. The idea of a passive audience who just blindly obey whatever they read or see is nonsense, and its patronising bullshit. No one is going to rape anyone because sirc copied a tasteless joke.
The Chai tea in Starbucks is nothing like chai. But that’s fine because lefty is nothing like an intellectual.
Dude, The quality of your trolling has diminished to the lowest level.
Starting threads to create debate and argument is totally okay from time to time… but this thread seriously crosses the line man.
I dont even get what the comment quoted is meant to mean in this context for sure, but it seems that you are asserting that someone objecting to this your bullshit (if that someone is female) is attemnpting to be trendy.
Raising the subject in the true context of a historical social commentary would be one thing, but you’re clearly just trying to be a dick.
Here’s a hint guys. This has happened before. Look at Spider Baseball’s post.
For the love of God some of you are killing me here.
your pont being? The picture was of an attractive model who was photographed in a tasteful way in her undergarments WITH HER CONSENT. The last part is the key dude
Oh and since you normally aren’t this dense.
Here is their history.
Dude, I’ve followed both threads through already. I still think there are some lines that shouldnt be crossed… :beatdead: :spanky:
Mixing the Vag comment and the letter are two different points.
I dont even get what the comment quoted is meant to mean in this context for sure, but it seems that you are asserting that someone objecting to this your bullshit (if that someone is female) is attemnpting to be trendy.
She posts and he says dumb shit to her. Then she says it back regardless of the topic. You trying to delve deeper into the meaning of his first post and tying it into some ulterior motive is a stretch.
I agree some lines shouldn’t be crossed. It took me less than 10 seconds to realize what he has done. You are the third person to get trolled.
Holy F-ing shitfest.
There are obviously several members here, supposedly masculine, in dire need of these.
And, Lefty,
Rent a sense of humor, or at least borrow one.
Learn law, or don’t try to quote it.
Stay off the comedy forums if you are Humorously Bankrupt.
Ignore things that don’t agree with your pseudo-sensitivity.
Grow a pair, or refer to yourself in the feminine.
Don’t assume other people want you to fight their moral battles
(or is this a little more personal for you?) -
Recognize trolling for what it is.
Go play hopscotch in traffic.
Get the sand out of your mangina or go to MAP where you can be a special and unique snowflake, valued for your insights and opinions, no matter how fucked up and irrellivent they may be.
STFU! (and this goes for the rest of you bleeding heart hippys)
Great, another Mr. Jones.
I don’t believe you, but here’s one you might like to try anyway:
Q. What’s worse than finding a maggot in an apple?
A. Finding half a maggot!
Q. What’s worse than finding half a maggot in an apple?
A. Being raped.
Edit: be careful who you tell this joke to. I say this from experience.
Is it worth pointing out that Sushi didn’t actually write this? He just copied and pasted.
It is to those unfamiliar with Sirc’s MO. He hasn’t actually produced any original stuff well… ever. But he tries, he tries oh so hard.
No, the whiners will still whine,
and it will still be funny that they whine,
in a sad, pathetic sort of way.
We know, he’s done this sort of thing before.
That’s what bothers me, copying someone else’s work verbatim is just fucking lazy and is intellectually bankrupt. If he’d actually wrote this himself I’d be the first to pat him on the back, as it’s quite funny in a sick sort of way and a masterful troll job. Unfortunately it’s all someone elses work, and as it stands I can only thank him for bringing it (and the femenist shitstorm it spawned) to my attention.
Did I forget something? Oh yeah, sucking on cocks all day won’t make you grow one of your own no matter how much you want, you girly ballerina man!
You must’ve missed Os’s first post.
This is going exactly as I wanted to. I knew that someone who’s familiar with the internet would catch it, but it’d be too much of a clusterfuck for anybody to care about their comment. Then we’d get a few Lefty’s and finally, the morning crew comes in, blaring their horns of moral superiority, saying something that has already been said, trying to make order out of this chaos.
Also: http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showpost.php?p=1443862&postcount=40
d00d, the person who can make order out of the chaos you cause has yet to be born.
Oooooh ok.
You claim that with every thread of yours that doesnt become a circle jerk.