I was actually going to ruin your gag but, I’ll wait.
Yeah let some other people get some jabs in. But you might want to make the sexual orientation or the girly man comment before someone swoops in and takes it. I mean, it’s still early and nobody’s really made the comment yet.
Lily already made her typical, “lolz u r a l00z3r.” post. So it’s good we got that out of the way. It was almost clockwork too, if you look at it. I’m still waiting on Alex though, he should be here any minute now.
I just read your posts, I rarely comment. I leave that to the real posse.
I actually enjoyed you posting in my threads for once. Really, we don’t talk enough. I feel like I’m not good enough for you or perhaps I’m too aggressive and come on too hard? Is there a medium I can meet you at? I’d really like this relationship to work out, but we’re going to have to meet somewhere in the middle.
You should comment more, really. I’ve always respected what you’ve had to say (no really, I do. I’m not being sarcastic.).
Where has MJS been anyway? She should’ve been here by now.
I bet Lefty is sitting at his chair sipping his chai tea (because only intellectuals drink chai tea… from starbucks no less) thinking to himself, “Gracious, I sure showed them. Leaving them with that quote that definitely wasn’t something I myself said sure did leave an impact. They will probably really think about what they say now.”
And after he’s done masturbating to himself, he’s going to take his chai tea, walk proudly up the stairs of his quaint little 4 bedroom house, tell his wife goodnight and then go to his room and sleep thinking he’s changed the world… by using someone else’s words.
Sirc you suggest I commit suicide and joke about rape. Both are crimes.
I think its very sad you have 4,800 plus posts and so many positive varrots. What does it say about the worth of Bullshido?
You must lead a very sheltered life to have never known someone who was raped. I recommend going to a rape crisis shelter and talking to the people there. I bet a lot of people would appreciate an apology.
so would people who got the crap beaten out of them… yet here we are advocating violence.
you are the GAYEST poster since GAY came to GAY town.
Google is your friend dumbass.:beatdead:
You must’ve missed the post where I said I know about half a dozen women who have been raped who are extremely close to me. Do I make rape jokes around them? Yes. Do they laugh? Yes.
You are hurting them by making them feel weak and shameful, when you should be empowering them and helping them move on with life and getting over it. Dwelling on it will only make it worse. Laughter and time are the best cures for everything.
What does my varrots and posts say about Bullshido? That varrots mean absolutely nothing and post count means absolutely nothing.
If you start now, the pills will take you out in about an hour. I think you should hurry.
Correction, he’s gayer than the inhabitants of homogay mountain, in the valley of gay within the region of Gayzor. He’s gayer than Gay McGayteron. That’s pretty fucking homo.
Well, he was a staunch defender of WC.
Oh and since you’re so hung up on rep, here’s what a few people think:
Do you wear a Tapout... 04-28-2007 04:43 AM sochin101: just so you know I do love you and am jus' playin'
Do you wear a Tapout... 04-27-2007 11:51 PM KempoFist: ok THAT was hilarious
So this is pretty much... 04-27-2007 05:00 PM colonelpong2: Plus rep for supplying me with masti material for a month
Do you wear a Tapout... 04-27-2007 04:45 PM Emevas: You have won my vote for President.
Should I move into a... 04-14-2007 09:18 PM THX-1138: No shit, what was he thinkin'?
How I make money v. 1.0 04-14-2007 06:09 PM DAYoung: I object to insults grounded in prejudice against people with intellectual disabilities.
Should I move into a... 04-14-2007 01:36 PM MaverickZ: finally you made a real funny
Should I move into a... 04-13-2007 05:43 PM Fearless Ukemi: I chuckled
Is there any... 04-09-2007 11:30 AM Jkdbuck76: Beautiful. You should win an award for this one.
Is there any... 04-09-2007 01:47 AM SongPower: big time pwnage, and educational too!
Is there any... 04-09-2007 01:05 AM colonelpong2: I think I love you....
Is there any... 04-08-2007 10:21 PM Hanniballistic: Great, great post Sirc
Is there any... 04-08-2007 08:42 PM Virus: +++++++++++++
Is there any... 04-08-2007 06:42 PM Hitman: MJC FTW!?!
Is there any... 04-08-2007 04:22 PM SGT Fitts: Excellent post!
Since you are whining about staff I’ll be helpful.
Don’t bitch about rep it is a Temp ban offense.
Rep is for the comedy forums only YMAS, LLL, trollshido.
Supporting members can turn rep off.
Learn to read the forum stickies.
I can!?!
Is that how I get all those nifty black varrots that make me look cool?
which is where he moved to… after he left the Texas Chainsaw Mascara.
you forgot to mention the un-scuffed workboots and the fact that he macramaed himself a pair of denim shorts.
This is going to be fun.
You’re such a fagasaurus rex. Sometimes I wish I could change my religion to something where I can pray to some pagan god to strike people down in their steps so I wouldn’t have to deal with bags of DNA that are worthless like you. Sometimes, I also wish I never had sex with your mom and created you. I should’ve kicked her in the stomach when I had the chance.
It was cute the first few times but it seems you put the same few lines into a random generator and come out with the same tired crap each time.
Oh you mean like the, “LOL U R GAY!” comments?
I thought silence means consent had been dropped as a valid argument long ago.