Is "Hollywood" rainbow washing history

You misunderstand me

My point is, unless one actively studies history, most people get their historic understanding and context passively via entertainment media

My kids are long past the point of being influenced by me as to what to watch on TV

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It’s cool. I didn’t mean you personally, I meant in general.

I think the onus for learning is on the individual rather than the broadcaster’s making a period drama, they can and will take huge liberties with the era they’re working to. Hopefully the viewer will take an interest in the period and look into it for more detail afterward, the information is all there on the web.

I would like to say that the market’s share need comes for an ideological trend against racism.

George Lucas understood it also giving Leia the lead in her own rescue.

A bit of a personal memories.

Back in 1985 (or 86) the Original Trilogy was being played in a row in a film library near my neighborhood, and as I was hurt and could not walk or stand, my mother took me there to watch all the three films.
She fell in love with Star Wars due to Leia being a strong educated lider (as Mother has been until retirement).



Capitalism is a terrible slut

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Not to be a stick in the mud, but where is this rainbow washing going on?

I don’t know if you got my joke. But there was history in it.

It doesn’t matter who is playing the role. What matters is if the show is any good or not.

I support diversity of culture.

It’s a balancing act between history and employing all the non white actors.

Period pieces offer slavery, servant, enemy or nothing at all to minorities. So the parts are rewritten to “black/gay” washing the working class out of history. Middle class like the exotic and the 99% are being written out of their history.

There was no slavery inside England since they already had a feudal system. Henry the 8th referees do not understand that was Catherine of Aragon’s slave, a Spanish owned slave centuries before Britain got involved.

This sort of ties into the Working Class Male Actor problem. Where are the Michael Caines and Peter O’Tooles gone? The Middle and Upper are class are the only people dominating acting because it makes no money 99% of the time, full of private school and university graduates you will not meet outside of certain “scenes”. Same for the music scene is painfully middle class (not fun) anymore.

No offence to your avatar

Some of my favourite avatars are multicoloured

But did you read the OP

BecauseI pretty much lay it out

That’s cool, me to

But which is more important historical accuracy or social diversity?

Is it OK to make up ‘alternative facts’ to support your political agenda?

Diversity has been explored before in the Sherlock Holmes universes by setting the stories in contemporary settings

This narrative portrayed in Enola Holmse would have been better set now or in a similar non historical setting, like Steam Punk

She could have had a steam powered jet wheelchair, thus ticking another diversity box

And incidentally, I wasn’t aware Kanuks told jokes

I agree

All War is Class War

Ironically “Hollywood” has evolved it’s own Aristocracy, and in fairness they do provide more cake than we can eat

None was taken but thnx.

You cite one example. Are there others?

The Great, set in the 18th century Russian court

Bridgerton, as has been mentioned by another poster

It’s all the rage

In fairness, for some reason I have been able to to suspend my disbelief with The Great, maybe perhaps because it is, IMO, better written, acted and produced

Or perhaps because I’m not Russian, so the history is not personal to my cultural background

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So then my question becomes is this really a “washing” or is it just people taking liberties? Taking well known historical events, figures, or popular periods and trying to show them in their own way?

A washing seems like an intentional thing, like casting a white actor to play a black lead in The Jazz Singer.

I suppose that is a matter of perspective

I meant it to mean to gloss over without addressing the real issues

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I’m not sure they are. A lot of it is white washed, ironically by liberals. They like to make certain events a white only thing.

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How do you mean?

I’m black. I can see history being written and a lot of stuff I do gets credited by white people, to other white people, and history will record that.


Do think it’s OK or productive to portray history incorrectly to promote diversity now?

Thats not whats happening. A lot of these events, even in racially segregated cultures, involve an interracial mix. For example, look at Crispus Attucks. Sometimes people be Gumping their way through history regardless of skin color.

Do you think the portrayal of diversity in Enola Holmes was historically accurate then?

Or Bridgerton and The Great, for that matter