Is dr edward thalheimer a fraud

Adam Whittington founder of project rescue children (PRC) look him up on Instagram and other social media.
Documentary is still coming . :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:Just a little bump .

Whittington believes Tate has been released, according to his Twitter page. And is telling people not to trust Romanian authorities or the news.

Take one guess as to why.

Why would he do that . I think a guy with his experience he got his reasons backed with proof .

He is being gaslit. Present tense, as in as we speak.

By his enemies, especially himself. There’s no chance stopping it, the groundwork was laid long ago.

This is the hard time, gentlemen.

People believe Tate is free because of a vid circulating where he was freed from his last arrest.

People believe it because of this massive bullshit dozer being run by organized internetional criminals. Adam is being brainwashed by people working against him (like Elon Musk).

What if I told you the Matrix was a fucking movie, and Metal Gear was a fucking video game.

It’s the same reason you believe half the bullshit you do. You can always spot the most gaslit crowd by their surety. The so called “bullshit experts” are knee deep in their own filth most of the time. So much for “critical thinking” when your idea of that is a fucking cell phone.

Tate is not out.

I dont know him but I know people that do, well.

His first fights were on our show.

That said I expect him to beat the rap, I do not personally believe that he is guilty of rape or people trafficking although he may have been directly associated with people who are although not much of that matters in Romania, what does matter is that he has enough money to get himself out of it.

This is a shakedown.

The more “evidence” they gather the more its going to cost him but I doubt it will cost him enough to cause him any difficulty paying it.

I believe the bullshit I believe because it happens right in front of me. I take the time to know WTF is going on before grabbing the loudest narrative.

Dr Edward Steven Thalheimer has been arrested.Finally it’s about time.This monster should not be allowed anywhere near kids .

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Well, he’s definitely not the Lions WR.


Does anybody have a valid reason why I should not merge these two topics?

Dr Edward Steven Thalheimer has been arrested.Finally it’s about time.This monster should not be allowed anywhere near kids .

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Well damn, this is the part where I ask where he was booked and on what charges.


Please, don’t repeat any of the last 2 years. I know.

This is a solild question

The fact that you lied and used someone else’s photo to claim that you dated this man is pathetic . you got greedy because he didn’t want to give you money when you asked.All of a sudden he is this horrible guy yet you dated him. You resorted to extortion and thought he would just hand you the money. No need to lie on someone just because you could use them . The money receipts were for your upkeep.


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