Most martial artist believe the Side kick is the most powerful kick based on the fact that it breaks the most boards
But I’ve heard from other people that board breaking is a poor tool for power data, and that side kicks will always break the most boards due to direction of the force/thrust.
Is that really the case? Will some techniques with less power still break more boards than more powerful ones, due to the pushing or thrusting trajectory of them?
Let’s face it, breaking boards is one of the most useless martial arts skills (up there with kicking a dead bag), yet one of the most profitable for supporting martial arts cults. They sell boards at these places. You actually need to buy the wood your kid wants to split. Along with patches, belts, and other bling.
I know this on a personal level. I got my youngest into boxing, BJJ, and full contact kung fu, before he was 8.
But he saw one demo at a city fair, and wanted to join a local TKD dojang because they were breaking dry wood. 2 years, thousands of $ later.
I set him straight though. I attack him while he’s doing chores. Now, no TKD student can break him. They just all think they can, because breaking wooden boards is all they know.