Is America doomed?

You left out he’s African American ?

No, he’s not. He merely has darker skin (and a much darker soul).

(I can tell because he doesn’t click when he speaks, he only dogwhistles).

Seriously, I thought “loyalty tests,” for an occupying force, literally happening right now in America, would be fodder, for this crowd.

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Its a civil war. They have to figure out who’s troops are who’s. Notice at the capitol the cops were on both sides.

This is truthy. There’s video of USCP basically high-fiving people they let in through the side door, while at the same time firepeople were bashing cops in the head at the front door.

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You clearly need to be deprogrammed.

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Oh, I haven’t even started speaking yet. Biden’s gonna have me in a fucking camp or something.


Do you know what the Boogalooers will do if they win?

What kind of changes will they make?

What kind of system will they use to govern?

My Russian Jewish grandmother in law hates the Chinese, and communism.

I’m currently setting up her personal security system, with HD video and audio.

Occasionally, she remembers who I am.

You forgot your Stephen King.

The Boogs get nuked by God before they even get that far.


Willkommen to Bullshido, though.

Split between Patriots and Antifa is my guess. So either chaz or 1776 style constitutional repeublic.

Is there a manifesto?

No. They’re just split between anarchists and libertarians.

So they want to smash the system without any plan to rebuild better ?

That’s no way to run a business

Antifa, yes. The boog is split between anarchy, libertarianism and patriotism. So a libertarian or patriot boog group might have a legit platform. The street thugs on all sides are mainly there to represent the interest of local or national politicians, not to govern themselves. Locally most of the violence surrounds fringe candidates with staged platforms.

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So it’s more about changing the players rather than changing the game?

man, seriously, you need to write a novel or something.

The way you put words together is amazing!

The Boogaleers want redistribution of power

Redistribution of power = redistribution of wealth, because power and wealth are intrinsically linked

Redistribution of wealth = redistribution of the means of production

Therefore the Boogaloo is a Revolutionary Communist movement

Do you ever post anything thats not dumb as fuck? Trolling is a art bro. You have to have some sort of punchline or hook. Like, my posts are funny because if you pay attention, you’ll realize its good information disguised as bad info. Your shit is not even information at all.