In a place where there are a bazillion guns some dude got shot at

No, the Russians didn’t break shit. What, with no food? Please, the Russians who survived the Germans starved to death. Stalin, being him, didn’t give a shit.

Hitler and the German High Command fucked up by not remembering Napoleon. Largely because Hitler was high on meth, and so was the Wehrmacht. Those Nazi tweakers didn’t feel the cold at first, and after frostbite it doesn’t matter anyway.

You should read up on US vs German armored warfare and air superiority. It’s a no brainer.

Oh, and the US fleet was also superior to every other nation that fought in WWII. While we are at it.

Already have, Russia for one …

Yeah the Russians had a very hard time, and yes they broke the germans.

I’d say more Hitler who started to override his generals, which was one of his biggest mistakes. He had some of the most hardcore generals out, if he had listened to them, things could have had a different outcome. It’s interesting to look at the difference between Hitler’s approach vs. Churchill, makes for interesting strategic comparison. Let’s also put that into context, Hitler and Napoleon, those were two pretty damn big armies, also lest we forget the Mongols … they have a history of surviving some pretty big players.

I’ve read a lot on the war, that’s why i made my statements :slight_smile:

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Wrong on both counts. The biggest and most powerful fleet at the start of the war was the Royal Navy. It fought in all theatres from start to finish of the conflict so obviously its numbers were severely depleted by the end. At this time, the US Navy was massive due to America’s industrial might getting behind its war effort and the two nukes ending conventional warfare in Japan relatively early. The US Navy to this day is the biggest and best there is.

As for the overall defeat of the Germans, that was mainly down to Barbarossa and specifically Stalingrad. The loss of men and materiel was wild and it basically broke the back of the German forces and it went down hill for them after that.

For obvious reasons I’m not downplaying anyone’s involvement in the conflict but a more accurate outcome was (and I paraphrase), Russia saved us from the Germans and America saved us from the Soviets.


Biggest? Maybe. You had a whole globe of colonists to control after all.

Most powerful? Fugetaboutit. We brought the best weapons platforms. It’s kind of what we do over here.

At least you had Surprise on your side (huzzah!). Against the French in the 19th century.

Lol @ the early 20th century British Navy. It was the same one we booted from American waters twice in 36 years, a century prior, with slightly more steel and less wood.

We broke their back. To this date, they torture us with shows like Bridgerton and The Crown.

Defeating the British Empire was target practice for defeating the Third Reich.