In a place where there are a bazillion guns some dude got shot at

So this guy is trying to be in charge of a country that has a lot of violence a lot of guns and a lot of people don’t like him.

And so during a speach. Someone who did not like him shot him.

And hit him in the ear.

And then Someone shot that guy.

And somehow some other random dude got shot.

Everybody is suprised at this. And wonders how it could have happened.

People are reacting by making funny memes in honor of the event.


This is a new take.

It happened because of woke.

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For posterity.

Voter registration image not confirmed as fact yet.

The GOP new spin is that Kim Cheatle, Director of the USSS, is a “DEI hire”, because she’s the first woman to hold the role.


They’re making a big deal about her being director of global security at PepsiCo (a $90B company) before her current position.

They don’t seem to care that she was a 25 year USSS veteran. Just that she has a vagina, and “diversity bad”.

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You can sense the envy/jealousy in that post.

This agent could probably kill everyone here before you even get a smug one liner off.

Oh, and she’s wearing body armor because she doesn’t know if another bullet is coming.

In Russia, men secretly want to bang her because she’s got the whole package.


It’s going to be a bad day out for Cheatle. She’s clearly not a DEI hire herself and it’s doubtful her female staff are either (Women have been a part of CP teams for years as medics or specialists), also I don’t buy into conspiracy theories or public false-flag attempts.

Obviously this is conjecture but I think this was simple incompetency and while this was an issue on the ground, Cheatle was in the chair and will probably feel the brunt of it.

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Did she have a sort of active roll in that? Or was she just there. Like the 50 other guys.

From what I read, there may have been a jurisdictional thing. The feds are not responsible for Donald Trump campaign security beyond what’s reasonable. The Secret Service isn’t an army.

Local law enforcement may have been in charge of that those rooves.

If that’s the case, Butler PD might be to blame for not setting posts up there. Straight line of sight to the stage. Wow.

I keep wondering if the local cops live in a Trump Country zone and never thought a sniper would dare show up and let their guard totally down. They were ready to get off duty and go to the after parties.

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There was an ex Secret service agent giving a breakdown of what he thought happened on X which makes sense.

He said that you have zones and based on the maps he saw the Secret service would have had the first zone covering the president and the outer zone with snipers and the middle zone is usually local LEOs.

The sniper was in the middle zone.

He said that the communication between the local LE and SS on the day sometimes isnt that great and there can be delay.
He used an example of his time during the bush jr era when local LE had swat snipers positioned whithin their zone but hadnt been clear to SS where they were people positioned and SS spotted them and almost took them out.
So the likely scenario supported by all the videos is that local LE were alerted by the crowd, it went down the communication channels for confirmation from SS that it wasnt them and during that delay he set up and let off shots.
It was also supported by the video of the SS sniper having to adjust downwards to get the shooter once he realised what was going on as his zone was beyond that of the shooters position.

Still leaves plenty of room for “ya but inside job” “yah but Hilary”

But there is also room for “yah they fucked up”

He also donated $15 to Actblue.

Not sure how it works over there but over here only members of a particular party can vote for the leader so for example I am both a member of Labour and Conservative because that way when they have leadership contests from within I get to vote .

So if its the same in the US I could see allot of never Trumpers registering for Republican to try and vote against him being selected as the guy to lead the race.

Especially as I think we can all agree that he didnt like Trump.

With regards to the DEI hire,

She is over weight that is obvious , her being female is irrelevant , there are plenty of seriously badass women about, her being over weight and short are a problem for the job she was doing.

Trump is big, his SS agents should be bigger.

If he needs to be shielded or carried she is not suitable for either.

Im certain she could kick your arse @wrabbit but I doubt she could kick anyone elses on here that still trains regularly.

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People he went to high school said he self-identified as conservative on several occasions. But he was 20, so he didn’t know shit about fuck:

Anyone using this phrase is a certifiable moron. Or else define why “diversity”, “equity” or “inclusion” are bad.

Don’t join that club. It’s the latest culty trend. Millions of fat old Facebook moms are using it right now to dismiss the US Olympic Gymnastics team. Right down to calling people describing the team as “diverse” as “racist”.

That USSS agent would murder you in her sleep, and I am more than willing to beat you up, right now.

What is it with you idiots over in Europe trying to pick fights with Americans over the Internet? The only reason you don’t speak German is because of my ancestors.

Don’t be a pussy. That’s Thomas Daw level shit. If you doubt my training, pony up and come to New Jersey and we will film you puking in the sand.

There is more than “room”

Butler PD was supposed to have officers posted. They were too busy jerking themselves off to Trump’s visage.

Apparently, they don’t know shit about rooftop ninja training, unlike myself and the rest of the ASIS community. (Google us)

Have you never actually read Ashida Kim’s “Kata Dante”? Getting on a roof and executing DFA attacks is ninjustu 101.

Don’t make me explain DFA, too…

You don’t try to assassinate people you like. This is a hate crime, against a political figure.

You have to suspend all conscience and convince yourself it’s for the greater good.

It helps to have zero self worth. The Japanese used to put these types of guys into manned torpedos.

I doubt Crooks ever really got to leave Western Pennsylvania, if he had, he might have learned “it gets better”.

Trump isn’t a conservative though.

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My last last 9 years of posts here have been consistent.

He’s the most leftwing President in American history.

“Dismantle the administrative state”, “draIn the swamp”, MAGA are all calls for revolution against US law.

He’s Che in a suit.



The irony in this post is out done only by the lunacy and delusion.

Your recent come to prominence here is due to the absence of all the original posters not because of any expertise.

That is obvious to all but yourself.

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Oh, #triggered you are.

Irony is anyone speaking for “all”.

If we go by amateur full contact official records alone, I’m in the 1% of the Bullshido fight community already. Only a small % of us have actually fought in sanctioned tournaments on camera after all, and I happen to have done it in one of the most dangerous amateur rulesets on the planet, San Shou Lei Tai (bronze medalist, Kuoshu 2015).

I have sparred, rolled, and fought with absolute killers.

And never forget how that happened: all those “original posters” i.e. weak people on Bullshido started whining about my judo, muay thai, kung fu, and jiujitsu background. Even my football background. But none of them are on camera taking dozens of shots to the head and still standing, like I have. Getting violently thrown and getting right back up and to the fighting line in seconds, time after time.

Don’t be like those idiots. What are you 250lbs? I can probably lift you off the ground and throw you out of a ring. I have tackled guys bigger than you so hard, they thought they saw angels.

Come at me bro. I’ve got 120lbs of skeletal muscle mass surrounded by 120 lbs of dad bod.

By the way, I’m a crack shot at 300 yards too. Well trained with knives, sticks, staves, clubs, whips, infiltration, exfiltration, and surveillance. What more do you want?

I just bought a new steel 17lb modular Indian club.

Recent? I took over Bullshido the day I joined and I’ve been making everyone laugh for 14 years.

What’d you do today, cut some glass and pick your navel lint?